英语自学网 发表于 2018-7-14 16:31:43

双语:特朗普上演全球大撤退 谁将成最后赢家?

  The guiding assumptions of modern American foreign policy were set out in a
document written in 1950 for president Harry Truman. NSC-68 as it was called
(the paper was prepared at the National Security Council) was Washington’s
answer to Soviet communism. At its core was a belief that US national interests
were best pursued through international leadership. This is the foundation stone
to which Donald Trump has taken a sledgehammer.
          A shouting match with America’s allies might then be followed by a day of
backslapping with Mr Putin. The president, after all, has made plain his disdain
for Nato. He says the Europeans set up the EU as part of an economic conspiracy
against the US. His response to the myriad allegations of Russian interference
in the 2016 presidential election campaign has been to increase his professed
admiration for Mr Putin.
          Seen through this lens, Mr Trump’s admiration for Mr Putin is readily
explicable. They are both self-declared strong men. They share an outlook that
says the prizes should go to the powerful, that multilateral institutions and
rules are calculated to ensnare them, and that norms, values and what they call
moralism do not have a place in the conduct of relations between states. As for
the weak, well they can go hang.
          On Mr Trump’s present course — and even his unashamedly America-first
national security adviser John Bolton is showing signs of alarm at the
president’s behaviour — the concept of a western order will be drained of
substance and meaning. US allies, in Asia as well as Europe, will have to find
other ways to safeguard their security. Some may look to China; others may think
about a nuclear deterrent; Europe may understand it has to be able to defend
          The big winners of course are Mr Putin and Mr Xi. Their shared strategic
goal has long been to building a world with common destiny. The increasing
outlook for both countries are positive, said experts, adding that they will be
real future winners in the race.
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