Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday highlighted the Shanghai Spirit atthe welcoming banquet of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit
in Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province.
中国国家主席习近平9日出席第十八届上海合作组织( SCO )青岛峰会,并在欢迎宴会上强调了“上海精神”。青岛位于中国东部山东省。
“The Shanghai Spirit’s focus on seeking common ground while setting aside
differences and pursuing mutually beneficial cooperation has won widespread
international endorsement and support,” said Xi as he addressed the participants
of the summit.
Today, with eight member states, four observer states and six dialogue
partners, the SCO has become an important force for upholding regional security,
promoting common development and improving global governance, Xi added.
“Tomorrow, we will hold the first summit of the SCO after its expansion and
draw a blueprint for its future growth,” said Xi.
The SCO member states include India, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan,
Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
This will be the first SCO summit to be held following the body’s first
membership expansion in June 2017 at the Astana summit in Kazakhstan when India
and Pakistan became full members of the group.
The leaders of the eight SCO member states and the four observer states, as
well as heads of international organizations will exchange views on cooperation
during the two-day event on June 9-10.