英语自学网 发表于 2018-5-31 22:50:02

2018年6月大学英语六级听力常考时文:Eatery’s English-Only Sign Raises Ire

  1.What was the purpose of the English-only sign, according to Joey Vento?
To help immigrants to ... and ... assimilate into U.S society.
          2.What does one Latino activist think of the English-only sign? It is
          3.What provision does the immigration bill passed by the U.S. Senate
include? A provision to make English ...
          A sign in a landmark Philadelphia restaurant asking customers to order in
English is sparking controversy in the metropolis known as the “City of
Brotherly Love”.According to the owner of Geno’s Steaks, Joey Vento,the sign
“This is America — when ordering speak English” is intended to encourage
immigrants to learn the language and assimilate into U.S. society, but one
Latino activist said it’s racist. The controversy comes amid a national debate
over immigration in the United States. The U.S. Senate passed an immigration
bill this May that includes a provision which would make English the national
language. The 66-year-old Joey Vento, whose grandparents moved to the United
States from Italy, posted the sign about six months ago. He says that he is
helping the immigrants speak English and he has no intention of removing, which
has made some people angry. Roberto Santiago, executive director of
Philadelphia’s Council of Spanish Speaking Organizations, said he was “appalled”
by the policy. He thought what Vento had said indicated that he was racist. It
seemed that Vento was saying that he didn’t like those brown faces in his
community and he would do everything he could to get them out of there. Santiago
said he has urged Latinos to boycott Geno’s Steaks, a fixture in South
Philadelphia’s Little Italy neighborhood which has seen an influx of Hispanic
immigrants in recent years.
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