英语自学网 发表于 2018-5-31 22:50:01

2018年6月大学英语六级听力常考时文:Pierre de Coubertin……

  Pierre de Coubertin — Founder of Modern Olympic Games
          1.What were Coubertin's favorite subjects, according to the passage? ...
and ...
          2.When was the International Olympic Committee founded? On ... ,1894.
          3.When did Coubertin resign from the president? In ...
          As a child of a noble family,Pierre de Coubertin received a good education
and developed a strong interest in literature and history. He refused the
military career planned for him by his family, as well as renounced a promising
political career in order to serve his people better. Coubertin was convinced
that sport was the springboard for moral energy and he defended his idea with
rare tenacity. His study of history made him wish the Olympic Games were still
being held. He was sure that bringing amateur athletes together would promote
friendly relations between the countries. It was this conviction that led him to
announce that he wanted to revive the Olympic Games. Although his statement was
greeted with little enthusiasm, Coubertin was not discouraged and on 23
June,1894,he founded the International Olympic Committee in a ceremony held at
the University of Sorbonne in Paris. Two years later,in 1896,the first Olympic
Games of the modern era was held in Athens. On that occasion Coubertin was
elected president of the IOC and he remained president until 1925. Due to the
1st World War,Coubertin requested permission to establish the headquarters of
the IOC in Lausanne,Switzerland. Coubertin withdrew from the IOC in 1925 to
devote himself to his pedagogical work, which he termed his “unfinished
symphony”. Coubertin suddenly died of a heart attack on September 2,1937,in a
park in Geneva.
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