英语自学网 发表于 2018-5-31 22:50:00

2018年6月大学英语六级听力常考时文:The Young Would Rather Be Famous than Brainy

  1.According to the research, waht are a growing number of young Britons
more interested in? ...
          2.Why did nine percent thought fame was a great way to earn money? Because
they thought it doesn't need ... or ...
          3.According to the LSC, how much is the chance of being picked for a TV
show and being popular afterwards? Around ...
          Dazzled(耀眼)by the attractions of fame, more than one in 10 young Britons
would quit school to become tomorrow's tabloid(小报)star, a survey showed
          In a country obsessed(迷住)by celebrities, a growing number of children are
more interested in becoming rich and famous than getting a good education,
according to research from the Learning and Skills Council (LSC).
          Around nine percent thought fame was a great way to earn money without
skills or qualifications(资格).
          "Young people realize that you don't need skills for being famous and
believe it is easy, which it is not," Max Clifford, Britain's best known
publicist(评论家), told Reuters.
          Britain's tabloids are littered(丢弃,垃圾)with "revelations(绯闻,新发现)" about
C-list celebrities and the country's most famous couple, David and Victoria
Beckham, have made millions of pounds from gracing(增光、增色)the front pages.
          But the LSC pointed out that the chances of being picked for a Big Brother
-style TV show and being popular afterwards were around one in 30 million,
longer odds(几率)than winning the lottery.
          Clifford, who has acted as agent for many fleeting(短暂的)celebrities, agreed.
"I would say to star-wannabes(赶超崇拜者): See it as the lottery, try it but don't
count on it, don't rely on it. "Get yourself educated, get yourself a job, get
yourself a situation."
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