On a island off the coast of Puerto Rico, a fascinating simian experimenthas taken place. The results could give us a deeper understanding of behavioural
economics, the psychology of risk and may explain why our economies suffer from
periodic financial crises.
It involved six Capuchin monkeys named after James Bond characters.
Researchers trained the monkeys to exchange small metal tokens for food.
They were put in a makeshift tiny market where experimenters would offer
different foods at different prices.
One of those trading with monkeys was Laurie Santos, a professor of
cognitive science and psychology at Yale University. “We could use that set up
to really ask, do the monkeys pay attention to things like price - are they
trying to maximise their monkey token dollar?” she explains.
“What we found surprising was, with very little training, the monkeys
shopped at experimenters who gave them food more cheaply. So if they got twice
as much food for one token with an experimenter, the monkeys shopped there more
The monkeys also displayed other human-like traits such as opportunism.
They tried to grab any tokens that were left lying around while the scientists
were not paying attention. Primates engaging in some monkey business no doubt.
Nevertheless, it also showed that the monkeys considered the tokens as valuable
However, it is the monkeys’ attitude to risk that might hold the most
intriguing lessons for us humans.
The researchers introduced an element of choice into their experiment. They
could trade with one of two people. One would give them two pieces of food,
grapes in this case, for their token, every time they traded. It was a no-lose,
safe option.
But the other gave them either one grape or three grapes, in exchange for
their token. The second deal carried more risk as half the time it was one
grape, the other half three.
Translated into human terms, look at it like this: You have a choice, you
could get a guaranteed $2000 or have a 50% chance of getting $1000 and a 50%
chance of $3000.
To gamble or not to gamble - which option would you choose?
Most people will go for the safe option - they take the $2000. That is also
what monkeys do.
So far so good. Apes and monkeys are, after all, our nearest animal
relatives. We share a common evolutionary history. However, once the experiment
was adjusted so that the monkeys had the same options but from a different
starting point, something fascinating happened.
Professor Laurie Santos explains “So the monkeys come in and it looks like
both experimenters kind of holding three so this monkey brain is
probably thinking ‘oh there’s a chance to get three.’ One guy is safe, he does
the same thing every time...the monkey trades with this guy he’s holding
three but he takes one away and gives the monkeys two so it’s kind of a sure
loss - a small loss but a sure one,” says Santos. “The second guy is risky -
sometimes he gives the monkeys all three but sometimes he takes two away and
only gives the monkeys one.”
Again, let’s look at that another way: You start with $3000, now you have a
choice. Either you take a guaranteed loss of $1000 leaving you with only $2000
or you gamble. If you gamble half the time, you will lose $2000 leaving you with
just $1000 but half the time you will not lose anything. What would you do?
Most people will gamble and go for the riskier choice. Surprisingly, so do
the monkeys. The thought of losing out is so painful that they will risk a
bigger loss just for a chance of no loss.
When stocks and shares crash or house prices collapse, you might expect
people to become more cautious. In fact, they take more risks. People will hold
onto stock that is losing value, speculating the price will rise again, because
we can’t bear the thought of having less than we have now. This is loss