英语自学网 发表于 2018-4-12 22:44:40


  A Utah family’s Easter Sunday take on the “Les Miserables” tune “One Day
More” was posted last week to Facebook — where it became a viral hit.

          The clip features the LeBaron family of Fruit Heights belting out the song,
KUTV reports. The five siblings and their spouses each sang the characters’
          As of Thursday afternoon, the video had 1.2 million views.
          “We’ve all grown up singing together and we all married musically talented
people,” family member Jayson LeBaron said.
          “Music has been a unifying thing in our family, though we are all over Utah
now; we come together in the good times and during the trials with music keeping
us real, and keeping us together, and keeping us happy,” he added.
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查看完整版本: 牛!一家人随便唱段悲惨世界就火遍世界(双语)