英语自学网 发表于 2018-4-12 22:43:49


  When the Kids' Favorite Toy Is Daddy's iPhone
          Yesterday, my toddler broke another toy. But this wasn't an inexpensive,
plastic doo-dad. It was my husband's iPhone.
          Like many parents these days, my husband and I sometimes band over our
smartphones to our son to soothe him or keep him entertained. It's partly
laziness on our party---no other toy, it seems, can captivate him like the
iPhone or BlackBerry. He's fascinated by the buttons and touchscreen, the sounds
and lights. He hold it up to his ear and pretends he's making an important
business call (or arranging a playdate with his best friend.) He somehow even
managed to reprogram my BlackBerry to autotype in the Catalan language.
          When we take away the BlackBerry or iPhone he wails; no other plaything
even a pretty realistic toy cellphone satisfies him as much. (The marketing copy
for the toy phone says "This authentic looking play phone will surely distract
your child from getting a hold of your cell phone!" Ha! I wish.)
          We often hide our phones-we don't want him to ruin them or grow too
dependent on them but be almost always tracks them down once he hears the ring
or the buzz of an incoming message. (Hiding a phone is tough, however, for those
parents who need to have phones handy in case they're on call or the office
beckons.) And when we pick up the phone or check messages, that only makes our
son want the phone more, since he always wants whatever is in our hands.
          Invariably, my son sticks the phone in his mouth and it ends up slobbery
and pocked with bitemarks. Or when be eventually tires of the phone, he'll toss
it aside, which is how my husband's iPhone met its recent doom.
          We're not alone in using our cellphones as high-tech rattles. The AP
recently ran a story on how more parents are downloading kid-friendly apps, such
as white noise and rattle sounds and easy video games, to their cellphones. And
according to a recent NPR report, one parent to encourage his 11-month-old baby
to crawl, waves his Blackberry so the baby will crawl toward the gadget.
          Readers, do you ever resort to handing over your smartphones to your kids?
Any horror stories? Any good kid-friendly apps to recommend?
          1. We often hide our phones-we don't want him to ruin them or grow too
dependent on them but he almost always tracks them down once he hears the ring
or the buzz of an incoming message.
          本句是一个复合句,主句是由 but引导的并列的句子。破折号后面 we don't...on them是对we often hide our
phones的目的的补充说明。其中 or引导两个并列的动词短语。once引导时间状语从句,其中or连接两个并列的名词短语。
          2. And when we pick up the phone or check messages, that only makes our son
want the phone more, since he always wants whatever is in our hands.
          本句是一个复合句,主句是 that only makes our son want the phone more.
          3. The AP recently ran a story on how more parents are downloading
kid-friendly apps, such as white noise and rattle sounds and easy video games,
to their cellphones.
          本句是一个复合句,其中how引导的名词性从句作on的宾语。such as表示举例。
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查看完整版本: 2018年6月英语四级阅读200篇第70篇:老爸手机成了儿童玩具