What is your weirdest date ever?你最奇葩的约会经历是什么?
获得57.7k好评的回答@Zack Jaffri:
2012. I was a NYU Student.
Met this beautiful girl on campus. She was a sophomore from Chicago, IL. So
I asked her out. Well, her sister was visiting her from Chicago that same
weekend that we had our date planned. Of course she doesn’t mention anything
about her sister, but she ends up bringing her along to the date that I was so
looking forward to.
Here comes her IDENTICAL TWIN sister. I had no idea who was who all date
long and didn’t find a way to ask either. She later tells my friend she thinks
that I am more into her sister than her. Very awkward. Much confused. And yes,
very weird.
获得7.3k好评的回答@Judy Edmonds:
Now happily married for many years, but I still remember one disastrous
I discovered he was recently (less than a month) divorced. That should have
been a warning, but I was interested in the concert we were going to. Mostly
music so there was little conversation, other than every time we talked he was
complaining about his ex. Following the concert we went to a restaurant for
dessert and coffee. In the middle of the dessert he excused himself to go the
restroom. When he didn't return in 30 minutes I became concerned and asked a
waiter to go to the men's room and check on him.
He came back, irritated that I had sent in the waiter. It turned out he
didn't need the restroom . . . instead he had called his ex and was fighting
with her over the phone! Then he started to tell me what a b...h she was. At
that point I told him to do other women a favor and not try to date until he had
resolved his issues, I called a cab and left.
获得15k好评的回答@Enoch Smith:
I met this one person on OkCupid. She lived a little over an hour away,
which made regular visits just a little inconvenient, but we seemed to have a
lot in common. We spent a couple weeks chatting, and then playing video games
together online.
Then she invited me over to spend the night at her place. Of course I
accepted and, that weekend, I took the last train up to her apartment.
About 2/3 of the way there is where things started to go wrong. We were
texting, and she mentions “Oh, by the way, my boyfriend will be here. I hope you
weren’t expecting sex.” I double-checked her OkCupid profile, and it did,
indeed, say she was single, and she’d never mentioned it before. I told her I
was a bit surprised. I did enjoy spending time with her, even if it was purely
In any case, it’s too late to turn back. Like I said, it was the last
So I get to her apartment, and her boyfriend meets me at the door. Very
friendly, seemed like an intelligent guy. The three of us chat for a couple
minutes, and then she informs me that they’re in the middle of an online game,
and they need to get back to it.
It was pretty boring (and a little awkward) trying to stand behind them,
watching over their shoulder while they played their game and largely ignored
me. I asked if they had any other games I could play, and they said I could play
with their cat. So I did. For literally the rest of the night. They didn’t quit
playing until after midnight, then they let me know they were heading to bed
together. They said I could sleep on a beanbag chair, but they didn’t have any
blankets to spare. Oops!
Also, they didn’t have any food, either, except for dry Cheerios and a few
condiments in the fridge. They went to bed together, and I slept on the beanbag
chair, hungry, wrapping myself in my hoodie for warmth.
And I never took the last train to a first date ever again.