英语自学网 发表于 2018-1-5 20:59:13

盘点全球星巴克价格 最便宜的竟然是美国!(双语)

  Any Starbucks addict will admit buying coffee there isn't exactly a cheap
stop. If you thought your seasonal drink addiction was putting a dent in your
wallet, though, you'll cringe to see the prices at other locations around the
          The Wall Street Journal converted the Starbucks prices in various cities
around the world to U.S. dollars, and the differences were staggering. A tall
(aka “small”) latte in New York costs $3.45, which is already higher than the
$2.95 national average. In London, on the other hand, you’d pay just $2.84, and
you'll get the cheapest drink possible with a $1.53 Starbucks latte in
          On the other end of the spectrum, don't head to a Starbucks in Switzerland
if you’re looking to save money. Topping the list as the most expensive
Starbucks, a latte in Zurich will cost $5.76—way more than you’d be shelling out
at your local U.S.
          Of course, a dollar will go further in some countries than in others.
Personal finance research firmValuePenguin looked at Starbucks prices around the
world. Analysts converted the cost of a tall latte into U.S. dollars, then
adjusted that number to match the relative cost of other goods in the country to
account for the usual purchasing power.
          elatively speaking, Americans actually can get the cheapest Starbucks in
the world—just $2.75 for a tall latte in January 2016 (though up to $2.95 by the
end of 2017). Australians’ Starbucks lattes are worth $2.86, Brits’ are worth
$2.88, and Canadians' and New Zealanders' are worth $3.06, according to
ValuePenguin. Not a huge difference, but still something.
          When taking that into account, a Starbucks latte would be quite the luxury.
For instance, you’d be paying a pretty penny in India ($7.99), Thailand ($8.04),
Vietnam ($8.18), and Indonesia ($8.21).
          Those don't even compare to the world’s absolute most extravagant
Starbucks, though. Stop for a latte in Russia and you're looking to drop the
equivalent of $12.32 on your morning pick-me-up. We'll skip the Starbucks stop
in Russia and stick with tealike most Russians to get more bang from those
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