The perfect exercise routine involves the right mix of cardiovascular andstrength training. Heather Milton, a senior exercise physiologist at NYU Langone
Health, discusses how to get in shape with the right balance. Following is a
transcript of the video.
The exercises you want to choose to maximize your fat loss are the ones
you’re going to be able to maintain for a prolonged period of time that will use
the most amount of muscle groups.
I’m Heather Milton. I’m a senior exercise physiologist at NYU Langone
Health. Everybody has different preferences in terms of the types of exercises
they do in the gym for cardiovascular exercise or weight loss.
Some people like stairs. Some people like the treadmill. Some people like
elliptical training. The idea is that you basically want to get your heart rate
up till you’re at least at a modest intensity.
So that means you want to make sure that your heart rate is increased as
well as your breathing rate. I recommend that if you are trying to lose weight
to always accompany cardiovascular exercise with strength training, because you
are able to increase your metabolism to maintain higher metabolisms outside of
the gym if you do strength training along with cardiovascular training.
If we talk about the most amount of fat burning you can get all in one
session ,while you’re at the gym, that’s going to be the higher intensity
cardiovascular exercise. However you don’t want to do all high-intensity
exercise unless you’ve properly prepared yourself by doing at least four weeks
of moderate intensity exercise before you start doing higher intensity.