双语:咸的食物可能会加重饥饿感 不利于减肥
Most of the warnings we hear about reducing the amount of salt in our dietshave to do with reducing the risks related to high blood pressure. But a new
study suggests another reason that some people may want to curtail their sodium
intake: Eating salty foods may make you hungrier.
I’ve always suspected on an intuitive level that salty foods might lead you
to eat more than you otherwise would—simply because they can be tasty.For
example, I am likely to eat more salted nuts than unsalted nuts. Even though I
enjoy the flavor of unsalted nuts, somehow salted nuts are more compelling.
Instead of having a handful and feeling satisfied, as I might with unsalted
almonds or cashews, I just want to keep eating salted nuts.
In fact, one of the things that I suggest for people who find it difficult
to observe portion control when eating nuts is to switch to the unsalted
But this recent study found something even more interesting, and way more
A Salty Diet May Increase Appetite
This study was done on a small group of Russian cosmonauts who were living
in a simulated space capsule as training for a long mission. Over the course of
the study, the researchers changed up the amount of salt in the cosmonauts’
diets, ranging from a low sodium diet of around 2300 mg per day, to a more
typical intake of 3,500 mg per day, up to a peak of 4800 mg of sodium a day.
Although the salt varied, the calorie levels remained the same. And yet, as the
researchers increased the amount of salt on the food, the subjects reported
being hungrier.
A parallel study done by the same researchers in mice found that higher
sodium diets caused the mice to eat a lot more food.
The other weird thing that the researchers noticed—in both the men and the
mice—was that as their salt intake increased, their urine output
increased—despite the fact that they were drinking less water.
How the Body Gets Rid of Salt
Increasing urine production is one way the body has of getting extra sodium
out of the body. For the last 50 years at least, we’ve been told that when
people eat more salt it makes them thirsty, causing them to increase their fluid
intake. That extra fluid increases urine output, which helps flush the excess
sodium out of the body.
That’s the story anyway. And that’s the logic behind that bowl of salty
pretzels on the bar. It’s there to make you thirsty so you order more drinks.
Well, barkeeps, you may want to reevaluate your strategy.
In these studies, eating more salt didn’t make the subjects thirstier; over
the long run, it made them less thirsty. And yet despite drinking less water,
they were producing more urine. So, where was all that extra fluid coming from
if they weren’t drinking it?