英语自学网 发表于 2017-11-24 21:02:05


  A. Specific paycheck.
  B. Sense of accomplishment.
  C. Chances of promotion.
  D. Awards she deserves.
  A. List her greatest strengths and weaknesses.
  B. Say something about her likes and dislikes.
  C. Write a brief report to her department manager.
  D. Justify her choice for joining a small and young firm.
  A. Talking about her dislike of any subject.
  B. Regretting not getting along with her partners.
  C. Telling lies about her ability and disgrace.
  D. Making reference to her former employers.
  A. That will ensure her success in the speech contest.
  B. That will earn her additional scores in the exam.
  C. That will convey her interest in the host company.
  D. That will influence her superiors' decisions of award.
  M: Let's look at your problem: you always fail the jobinterviews.
  W: It seems so, sir. And the thing is that I alwaysfind those questions hard to answer. For example, they always ask me what I think is important in ajob.
  M: In this case, you should mention specific rewardsother than paycheck, for example, challenge and the feeling of accomplishment.
  W: That sounds good. And they often ask what makes me decide to join their company, especially when they are rather small and young.
  M: You can tell them that you believe you would have better opportunities with a small butrapidly expanding company like theirs.
  W: Great. I think the most difficult question is what my greatest strengths and weaknessesare.
  M: They are tough questions. For your greatest strengths, give a response like this: "I can seewhat needs to be done and do it." or "I work well with others."
  W: Terrific.
  M: For your weaknesses, you can identify one or two, such as "I tend to drive myself toohard". The trick is to describe a weakness so that it could also be considered a virtue.
  W: I see. Sometimes they also ask me what I don't like about my previous jobs.
  M: You can talk about the things you don't like, but avoid making even slightest referenceto any of your former employers.
  W: I'll remember that.
  M: Never forget to have at least one question ready, because the interviewer usually asks if youhave any questions about the job or the company at the end of the interviews.
  W: I understand employers like a candidate who is interested in the organization.
  M: Right. If you can smoothly apply answers like these during the interview, you are bound tomake a good impression.
  22. What is the woman suggested to mention when asked what is important to her inan interview?
  解析:听到what I think is important时,注意男士的建议。B中的sense与原文的feeling同义。故B正确。
  23. What is the woman's biggest problem in an interview?
  解析:听到the most difficult question时应该知道后面的信息(greatest strengths andweaknesses)就是此题答案,即A。语义强调处是听音重点。
  24. What does the man warn against doing when it comes to previous experience?
  解析:女士提到what I don't like about my previous jobs时,男士用avoid提出告诫,后面的信息就是此题答案,即D。
  25. Why should the woman have at least one question ready beforehand?
  解析:这是男士给女士的最后一条建议,女士表示理解,因为雇主喜欢那些对自己公司有兴趣的应聘者,故C正确。speech contest和exam均未提及,所以A、B错;D中的superior是不存在的,因为没正式聘用前,她还没有上司,另外,award也是无中生有的词。
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