英语自学网 发表于 2017-11-22 21:00:02


          NASA captured 20 years of changing seasons in a striking new global map of
the home planet.
          The data visualization, released this week, shows Earth’s fluctuations as
seen from space.
          The polar ice caps and snow cover are shown ebbing and flowing with the
seasons. The varying ocean shades of blue, green, red and purple depict the
abundance - or lack - of undersea life.
          It’s like watching the Earth breathe. It’s really remarkable, said NASA
oceanographer Jeremy Werdell, who took part in the project.
          参与了这一项目的美国国家航空和航天局海洋学者Jeremy Werdell说,通过可视化数据的研究像是在看地球呼吸,令人感觉十分奇妙。
          Two decades- from September 1997 to this past September - are crunched into
2? minutes of viewing.
          Werdell finds the imagery mesmerizing. "It’s like all of my senses are
being transported into space, and then you can compress time and rewind it, and
just continually watch this kind of visualization," he said Friday.
          Werdell said the visualization shows spring coming earlier and autumn
lasting longer in the Northern Hemisphere. Also noticeable to him is the
receding of the Arctic ice caps over time - and, though less obvious, the
Antarctic, too.
          On the sea side, Werdell was struck by "this hugely productive bloom of
biology" that exploded in the Pacific along the equator from 1997 to 1998 -when
a water-warming El Nino merged into cooling La Nina. This algae bloom is evident
by a line of bright green.
          In considerably smaller Lake Erie, more and more contaminating algae blooms
are apparent - appearing red and yellow.
          All this data can provide resources for policymakers as well as commercial
fishermen and many others, according to Werdell.
          Programmer Alex Kekesi of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland
said it took three months to complete the visualization, using satellite
          来自附属NASA,位于马里兰州的戈达德太空航天中心的程序员Alex Kekesi说,他们花了3个月使用卫星映像技术来完成可视化工作。
          Just like our Earth, the visualization will continually change, officials
said, as computer systems improve, new remote-sensing satellites are launched
and more observations are made.
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查看完整版本: NASA延时视频在2.5分钟内显示20年的季节性变化(图)