从最近几年的英语四级翻译真题中我们不难看出,英语四级翻译目前考察的方向多偏向于社会经济、文化等方面,日常复习中我们也要储备一些常考话题材料。下面新东方网英语四级频道为大家整理了英语四级翻译练习题库,希望对大家的备考有帮助。上个月中国服务产业有了较快增长,这加快了国家经济增长。 根据北京国家统计局(Beijing-based National Bureau of
Statistics)和中 国物流与采购联合会(China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing)的
数据,非制造业釆购经理人指数(the non-manufacturing Purchasing Managers" Index)
二月份的时候从54.5上升到55.6,而摩根斯坦利亚太指数(the HSBC Holdings Pic and Markit Economics
indexes)从 52.1上升到54.3,达到5月以来的最高水平。
The Chinese service industries grew at a faster pace last month which
helped to accelerate the nation’s economy growth. According to the figures from
Beijing-based National Bureau of Statistics and China Federation of Logistics
and Purchasing, the non-manufacturing Purchas¬ing Managers’ Index rose to 55.6
from 54.5 in February, while the HSBC Holdings Pic and Markit Economics indexes
rose to from 52.1 to 54.3, its highest level since May.