六年级英语优秀作文精选:How to Live a Colorful Life 如何过一个多彩生活
Life is short,so it is imperative that we do not waste a moment of it.Weshould all live life to the fullest.In order to do that we must focus on what is
important in life.By paying attention to the right things we can make our lives
colorful rather than dull.
The four most important components of a colorful life are quality of
life,people,health and passion.The first,quality of life,can be achieved by
doing everything to the best of our ability.If we do that,success will come to
us.Second,we must value the people and relationships in our lives.People are the
secret to happiness,so we must always treat them right.Third,we must treat our
body right,too.It is difficult to enjor life without good health.The last
ingredient,passion,is perhaps the most important.We must commit one hundred
percent to our relationships and career.
We should have a passion for living. In conclusion,we can all have
wonderful lives.All we have to do is remember that the for keys to a colorful
life are:quality of life,people,health and passion.By paying attention to these
things we are bound to live meaningfully and well.