英语自学网 发表于 2017-11-10 18:28:05


  A. She was the first female Doctor of Medicine.
  B. She was the best nineteenth-century physician.
  C. She studied at many famous medical schools.
  D. She practiced medicine in Asia and Africa.
  A. Because she threatened their status.
  B. Becuase she was too aggressive.
  C. Because they had sex discrimination.
  D. Because they disliked foreign students.
  A. She worked as a peacemaker between the U.S. and UK.
  B. She founded the first private infirmary in Britain.
  C. She advocated women liberation movements.
  D. She introduced the idea of disease prevention to schools.
  Elizabeth Blackwell, born in 1821 in Bristol, England, was the first woman awarded the M.D. degree. Many nineteenth-century physicians, including a few women, practiced without a degree, but Elizabeth Blackwell wished to attain full professional status. She applied to many medical schools. Sadly, all her applications were turned down, because at that time, only men were doctors. When she was finally accepted, the students and professors were cruel to her because she was the only woman at the school. Working with quiet determination, she turned aside the hostility of the professors, students, and townspeople. She earned her medical degree in 1849, but faced additional difficulties in setting up her practice. Barred from city hospitals, she founded her own infirmary. Eventually she founded a Women's Medical College to train other women physicians. Blackwell's educational standards were higher than the all-male medical schools. And she started the program of disease prevention in her schools. It was the first time the idea of preventing disease was taught at a medical college. Elizabeth helped do many things, such as establishing British National Health Society in 1871. Dr. Elizabeth died at her home in Hastings, England, in 1910, at the age of 89. She is remembered for her contributions to the cause of medicine and for showing the way for women to move on.
  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  26. What made Elizabeth Blackwell distinguished from physicians of her time?
  解析:根据选项可预测问题是问某位女性的特别之处。文章首句就介绍了Elizabeth Blackwel是被授予医学博士学位的首位女性,选项A是原文的同义表达。
  27. Why were Elizabeth's professors and fellow students hostile to her?
  解析:根据选项可预测问题是“他们”为什么不喜欢她,文中听到复数人群对她的态度(the students and professors were cruel to her)时要注意听原因。此句前后重复说明是性别问题(because... only men were doctors... because she was the only woman),故选C“性别歧视”。语义突出之处(如此处的because)常出题。
  28. What did Elizabeth contribute to the cause of medicine?
  解析:文中提到了她的很多贡献,但是选项中信息完全正确的只有D,是在介绍她所创办的Women's Medical College时提到的。It was the first time这种字眼后面的信息是出题的热点。B中的first private在文中找不到依据。
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