Twenty-five is an embarrassing age for a single Chinese girl, and that isexactly how old I am. Thanks to my sweet mom and the great pressure she put on
me to find her a son-in-law, my life is not too boring.
My mom and I are very close friends. We started to talk over the phone on a
daily basis after I came to Beijing for work three years ago. I tell her about
my daily life and ask for her opinion when I have questions about life and work.
However, I stopped doing so when she began to answer all of my questions with
"that is because you don’t have a boyfriend."
This practice reached a fever pitch when I went home during the recent
National Day holidays. She became really excited and took me to a secret place
which, according to her, could perhaps change my future. Later, I found that the
place belongs to a so-called fortune teller, who predicted that I would probably
meet the one I was meant to be with this winter. If not, I’d have to wait
another two years. My mom got a bit anxious and asked if there is any way to
secure my boyfriend this winter, and the fortune teller suggested that I put a
bunch of flowers or a piece of amethyst on the west wall of my room.
On our way home my mom kept saying that I definitely cannot wait, or it
would be too late to find a nice man, as once I hit a certain age, my best years
are behind me. Over the next few days, she pestered me to buy flowers and
amethyst immediately after I return to Beijing.
Also, just like I thought, after I got back to work, everything she said to
me over the phone began with, "Did you buy it and put in the right place?"
I love my mom, and I fully understand her worry, but I can’t agree with
The social custom has stamped so many labels on us, "older woman,"
"leftover," "single dog" and so on, which makes it even harder to be true to
ourselves. But if you can’t be who you really are, then you’re just pretending
to live your life, which is the real tragedy.
Twenty-five is just an age, 30 is also good. As long as you feel happy and
comfortable, each year could be the best age.
Whatever change may happen in this world, something like my own happiness
should never be compromised. At least, for me, being alone but not lonely is the
best state of my life.