英语自学网 发表于 2017-11-9 21:29:36

iPhone X 动物表情包引领新潮流!萌炸了

While some may be excited about the flagship smartphone's beautiful edge-to-edge display or the “super retina” screen, others are enjoying experimenting with animoji - animated characters that mirror your facial expressions.有一些人可能对一流又漂亮的全屏智能手机很兴奋,或者对超视网膜感兴趣,但是其他人更享受用animoj做实验,像是如用这些动物可以映照出你的面部表情。

Animoji are possible thanks to the new iPhone X's Face ID, the feature which allows users to unlock their shiny new phone with their face (unless you suffer an embarrassing demo fail).Animoji可能需要感谢新的iphone X的面部识别ID功能,这一功能使用户们能用他们的自己的脸部锁上他们"闪瞎眼"的新手机(除非你遇到了演示失败的尴尬)
The animated emoji feature, which includes robot, dog and unicorn characters, can be sent to entertain family and friends, but some have taken the fun a step further to create the Animoji Karaoke. 动物表情包包括了兔子、狗和独角兽,这些能给家人和朋友带来欢乐,另外,还有一些人用Animoji制造出Animoji 卡拉OK ,让趣味变得更有趣了。
Social media users have been sharing clips of them lip-synching to songs.网友们剪辑了他们的“假唱”片段。
Fast Company technology editor Harry McCracken, who is credited with creating Animoji Karaoke, has been sharing the best videos on his Twitter page.“快公司”的技术编辑哈里·麦克拉肯对Animoji卡拉OK很是信任,并在他的推特页面上分享了他做的最好的视频。
“As I used a pre-release iPhone X this week, it suddenly occurred to me that it might be fun to lip-sync a song to an Animoji and have it mimic my performance,” he explains.“这周我使用了我在提前预售期间买到的iphone X之后,我突然发现用Animoji对口型演唱一首歌,模仿表演很有意思,”他解释说。
“Judging from my likes, retweet, and comments, I haven’t just been entertaining myself, some people said that it redeemed Animoji or justified buying a thousand-dollar phone.”“从我的喜爱、转发和评论来看,我不仅仅使自己很开心,另一些朋友们说Animoji这一功能使得他们更有理由去购买一部上千美金的手机。”
You can either save your own 10-second animated karaoke efforts to your camera roll or create longer versions using the phone's new screen record feature.你可以既可以用你的照相功能存下一段十秒的动物卡拉OK,又可以用手机的记录功做一个更长的视频版本。
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