英语自学网 发表于 2017-11-7 22:30:17


The 30 Most Influential Teens of 2017《时代周刊》2017年度最具影响的30位青少年
To determine TIME's annual list, we consider accolades across numerous fields, global impact through social media and overall ability to drive news.此榜单主要依据以下几个标准:其他领域的建树,社交媒体的全球影响力,以及新闻传播力。Here's who made this year's cut (ordered from youngest to oldest):以下是今年榜单的部分节选(年龄从小到大):
Millie Bobby Brown, 13米莉·芭比·布朗,13岁

Not many actors can say they got an Emmy nomination, and worldwide fame, for convincing the world that they have superpowers.不是所有的演员演技抢到都可以让全世界人们相信自己有超能力,并以此获得艾美奖,并享誉全球。
Brown can, thanks to her role on Netflix's sci-fi '80s-nostalgia-fest Stranger Things.She plays Eleven, a mysterious girl—part science experiment, part prodigy, part awkward teen—who uses telekinesis to ward off evil.布朗却可以,她在《怪奇物语》中饰演的神秘女孩小11——一个实验品、天才,同时也是一个难对付的小鬼,然而她却用自己的念力赶走了恶魔。
It has made Eleven the standout character on a show brimming with them, one who inspires Internet memes, Halloween costumes and new found interest in Eggo waffles (Eleven's favorite food).这使得小11这个角色与众不同,并引起了网友的热议,她还掀起来了一阵万圣节服饰热潮,并重燃了大众对于易高华夫饼的热情(它是小11最喜欢的食物)。
Brown's own profile has risen as well.布朗自身的形象也由此树立。
Since the show's July 2016 debut, the British actor has rapped at the Golden Globes, signed with IMG Models and appeared on the covers of Entertainment Weekly, InStyle and more.自影片于2016年7月上映以来,布朗不仅获得了金球奖,还和IMG模特公司签约,登上了《娱乐周刊》以及《风尚》等杂志的封面。
Wang Yuan, 16 王源,16岁

With lyrics like “polish your leather shoes, put on a suit … arrive at every place with head held high,” Wang is not exactly the tattooed bad boy of Chinese pop.就像歌词中唱的“皮鞋擦亮,换上西装......昂首到达每一个地方”,王源并不是那种中国流行常见的坏男孩。
But that hasn't stopped his singing trio, TFBoys, from ruling the charts.他一直将自己当做TFBoys这个组合中的一分子,从未想过上位之类的事。
Since its founding four years ago, TFBoys has amassed more than 20 million fans on the Twitter-like microblog Weibo and reportedly sells some $17 million worth of branded merchandise every month.TFBoys于4年前成立,如今他们的微博粉丝数量已经超过了2千万,有关他们的周边产品的销售额每月大概有1千7百万美元。
And Wang, who goes by the English name Roy and hails from central China, is poised for even greater success: As a solo act, he has also appeared in a bevy of movie and television roles, and was appointed a UNICEF Special Advocate for Education.而王源,英文名Roy,在其他方面的成绩更为亮眼,在演艺方面,他出演了一系列的电影和电视剧,还被联合国大会任命为青年教育使者。
Brooklyn Beckham, 18布鲁克林·贝克汉姆,18岁

As the son of footballer David and pop star-turned-fashion maverick Victoria, Beckham was never going to live an ordinary life.身为球星贝克汉姆和时尚风向标维多利亚的儿子,布鲁克林的一生注定是不平凡的。
Case in point: although he just started his first year as a photography major at Parsons in New York City, Beckham has already published a book of his own photos (What I See), shot a campaign for Burberry Brit, worked with esteemed fashion photographer Nick Knight, and touts some 10 million Instagram followers.比如说:身为帕森斯学院摄影专业的一年级新生,布鲁克林已经出版了自己的摄影作品集,并担任了巴宝莉香水活动的摄影,与著名的时尚摄影师尼克奈特合作,他在INS上的粉丝大约有1千万人。
“I'm just so lucky to have been given the opportunities that I have,” Beckham tells TIME. “I'm looking forward to the next few years and learning as much as I can and experiencing life as a student.”他说:“我很幸运自己能有这次机会,我希望自己能在今后几年多学一些知识”。
Hu Ranran, 18胡冉冉,18岁
So it was especially daring for Hu to direct Escape—a 75-minute film about a transgender youth coming to terms with his sexual identity—and release it in her home country.胡冉冉的特别之处在于她导演了一部75分钟的电影,名为《逃离》,电影讲述了一名少年变性人认定自己性取向的事情,并将这部影片在家乡放映。
“I wanted to address the theme of being yourself,” she tells TIME.她在接受采访时说:“这部电影的主题是呼吁人们做自己。”
To help realize her vision, which had basically no production budget, Hu tapped 37 students from her high school, which is affiliated with Beijing's prestigious Renmin University.由于缺乏预算,她只采访了自己母校人民大学附属中学的37名同学。
They made the sets and costumes themselves and shot the film mostly on school grounds.电影主要的拍摄地是学校的草坪,服装也是自己做的。 Subsequent critical acclaim helped Hu gain a place at the University of California, Los Angeles, and reignited conversation about trans issues across the world's most populous nation.随之而来的高度评价使得她收到了加利福尼亚大学的录取通知书,也在中国掀起了一阵关于变性问题的讨论。
“Getting to know LGBTQ people is the start to reducing prejudice,” Hu says.她说:“使人们了解同性恋人群是减少偏见的开始。”
Isaac Hempstead Wright, 18伊萨克·亨普斯特德·怀特 18岁

The U.K. native has spent eight years playing Bran Stark, a character whose every move is scrutinized by Game of Thrones’ massive fan base—especially during the most recent season.这名英国童星在2011年出演HBO电视台制作的剧集《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏》中饰演布兰·史塔克(Bran Stark)一角而为人所知,这一演就是8年,尤其是最近的几季,使他的一举一动都引得大量《权游》的粉丝围观。
And as one of the show’s few remaining players, he can drive countless headlines by simply commenting on a plot or debunking a fan theory.身为《权游》为数不多硕果仅存的人物之一,他的一言一行都能成为娱乐版的头条新闻。
But Wright, who just started his first year at the University of Birmingham, isn't fazed by the attention: “You can go pretty much anywhere in the world and be able to drum up a conversation with someone and have something in common with someone,” he tells TIME.
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查看完整版本: 王源入选全球最具影响的青少年,一同上榜的还有她!