A PR stunt which saw McDonald's resurrect an old dipping sauce due to its inclusion in Rick and Morty backfired as police were called to scenes after thousands of fans were left disappointed.因为麦当劳的一款老式蘸酱出现在《瑞克和莫蒂》这部动画中,于是作为一场公关噱头,麦当劳重新推出了这款蘸酱,然而结果却事与愿违,在麦当劳使上千位粉丝失望后,警察被叫到了现场。
The season three premiere of Rick and Morty saw many references to McDonald's Szechuan Sauce, a dip originally only available in 1998 as part of a tie-in with Disney film Mulan.《瑞克和莫蒂》在第三季的首映中多次提到了麦当劳的四川辣酱,这是麦当劳与迪士尼合作宣传《花木兰》这部动画电影的时候推出的一款蘸酱,本来只在1998年出售过。
Recently the fast food chain announced the sauce would be returning for one day only on 7 October - an event the corporation described as a “really, really limited release” to select locations in the US only.最近这家快餐连锁店宣布四川辣酱将在10月7日回归,仅此一天,而且该公司只在美国选定了部分连锁店进行销售,还称此次活动为一次“真正的限量发售”。
Fans turned up in their demanding the condiment - so much so that police were called to some restaurants amid rising tensions when many failed to get what they had turned up for.粉丝们涌向麦当劳想要购买这种调味品,因为人数众多,以至于当许多人没有买到自己想要的辣酱时,警察都被叫到了部分气氛逐渐紧张的餐厅。
Rick and Morty viewers expressed outrage on social media with one video showing police holding back a crowd chanting “we want sauce.”《瑞克和莫蒂》的观众在社交媒体上曝出了一段视频以表达自己的愤怒,在视频中警察阻挡了那些呼喊着“我们想要辣酱”的人群。
McDonald's later issued an apology emphasising their initial disclaimer that the release was “limited.”随后麦当劳发布了一则致歉声明并强调他们最初就指明此次发售是“限量的”。