Anxious people make some decisions more quickly, but not the ones you'd expect.焦虑的人能更快速地做出决定,但不是你预期中的那种决定。
It turns out that anxious people are better shooters - not in snooker, but with a gun. Specifically, they can quickly distinguish between friend and foe .研究发现焦虑的人是更好的射手,不是在斯诺克比赛中,而是用枪射击的时候。确切地说,他们能迅速地区分敌我。
Study author Tsachi Ein-Dor argues that his research shows anxiety does come with some benefits. He said I had indications from previous research that attachment anxiety is linked with better ability to detect various threats.研究的作者萨齐·恩朵主张,他的研究表明焦虑确实会带来一些益处。他说,先前的研究表明依恋焦虑与更好地察觉各种威胁的能力有关。
People high in attachment anxiety are usually stressed and over-reacting, however.然而陷入依恋焦虑的人通常会紧张不安而且会反应过度。
What I wanted to examine is their performance in shooting decisions - would they be better at making accurate shooting decisions?我想检验的是他们在做射击决定时的表现,也就是他们会更擅长做出精准的射击吗?
The research used a game to recreate shooting situations.该研究用一个游戏重现了射击场景。
In the game, targets ran into view, some carrying weapons, and some carrying harmless objects.在游戏中,射击目标出现在视野中,一些携带了武器,另一些携带了无害的目标。
Ein-Dor found that those with high attachment anxiety were more accurate at detecting threats and shooting the target correctly.恩朵发现那些有高度依恋焦虑的人在发现威胁以及准确无误地击中目标上更加精准。
Ein-Dor continued: The average person should take away from our study that personality should be appraised in the correct context.恩朵继续道:“普通人可以从我们的研究中了解到我们应该在适当的情况下评价性格。”
Being anxious is often appraised as maladaptive. We have shown that contrary to the common thought, calmness is maladaptive in the context of shooting decisions, whereas anxiety is adaptive.焦虑往往会被评价为没有适应能力。我们的研究却表明,事实与人们普遍的想法相反,在进行射击的环境下,不适应的是平静的人,而焦虑的人却是能够适应的。
He added a heartwarming message: People should not appraise their personality as good or bad. Each personality disposition has its advantages (and disadvantages). Hence, people need to search for the context in which their personality would succeed.他还提供了一条激励人心的信息:人们不应该用好或坏来评价性格。每一种性格都有其优势(和劣势),因此人们需要寻找自己的性格占优势的场合。