1、Kit Harington & Rose Leslie
前不久,《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)中饰演雪诺的基特·哈灵顿和女野人的罗斯·莱斯利正式宣布订婚。他俩因《权游》在2012年相识、相恋,而现在结束了将近5年的恋爱长跑,雪诺主动求婚的。
He also revealed last year how 'easy' it was to fall in love with Aberdeen beauty Rose.他去年还表示爱上这位阿伯丁美人罗斯是“非常容易”的一件事。
Recalling his favourite memory of shooting GoT, he said: 'The three weeks in Iceland where we shot the second season... because the country is beautiful, the light of the North magic, and why it was there that I fell in love.’当谈到他拍摄《权力的游戏》最美好的回忆的时候,他说道,“我们拍摄第二季的时候在冰岛待过三个周……这个国家很美,还有神奇的极光,所以我在那里爱上了罗斯。”
2、Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt
These two fell in love on the set of this movie, in which they star as a married couple who secretly work as assassins. Brad was still married to Jennifer Aniston at the time.这两个人通过电影《史密斯夫妇》爱上对方。在影片中,他们饰演的是一对已婚夫妇,身份都为秘密杀手。但那时候,布拉德和珍妮佛·安妮斯顿还未离婚。
3、Andrew Garfield & Emma Stone
今年凭借《爱乐之城》(LaLa Land)的石头姐(Emma Stone)勇夺2017最赚钱女演员榜单第一。早些年,她在《超凡蜘蛛侠》(The Amazing Spider-Man)中和安德鲁·加菲尔德(Andrew Garfield)由银幕情侣走向现实。
The Amazing Spider-Man's director Marc Webb said that he cast Emma as Andrew's on-screen love interest because of their natural chemistry. They began dating while shooting the first movie.《超凡蜘蛛侠》的导演Marc Webb表示他选择艾玛作为安德鲁的银幕恋人是因为他俩的磁性。他俩拍第一部时就已经开始约会了。
4、Josh Bowman & Emily Van Camp
British actor Josh, 29, and Emily starred together in the ABC drama Revenge that ran for four seasons from 2011 to 2015. 26岁的英国演员Josh和艾米丽共同参演《复仇者》。据了解,该剧集共有4季,开播时间从2011至2015年。
5、Josh Dallas & Ginnifer Goodwin
看《童话镇》时,英大最迷的就是饰演白马王子(Prince Charming)的乔舒华·达拉斯(Josh Dallas)。
Ginnifer and Dallas met on the set of their ABC show, which premiered in 2011. 金妮弗和乔舒华相识于2011年的ABC新剧——《童话镇》。
The two were married in April 2014 and had son Oliver the following month. Youngest Hugo came two years later in June 2016.他们与2014年4月结婚。几个月后,迎来了儿子Oliver。两年后,又迎来了第二个孩子。
6、Nicole Kidman & Tom Cruise
阿汤哥和妮可·基德曼因《霹雳男儿 》(Days of Thunder)结缘。之后就在美国的一个小镇上结了婚。2001年,就结束了长达11年的婚姻。
7、Ryan Gosling & Rachel McAdams
Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams met while playing star-crossed lovers in this ultra-romantic date night movie. They broke up a couple years later.高司令和瑞秋·麦克亚当斯就是通过这部浪漫电影结缘。虽然,之后没几年就分手了。
8、Jennifer Aniston & Vince Vaughn
在和布拉德·皮特分手之后,詹妮弗·安妮斯顿通过《分手男女》(The Break-Up)找到了新男友——文斯·沃恩 (Vince Vaughn)。
9、Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth
娱乐圈另一对分分合合的情侣就是Miley和捶弟了。两人因为《最后一支歌》(The Last Song)前不久,还被外媒怀疑结婚了。虽然,事后Miley表示目前并没有结婚打算,但对捶弟一往情深的很。
10、Daniel Craig & Rachel Weisz
丹尼尔·克雷格 (Daniel Craig) 和瑞切尔·薇兹 (Rachel Weisz) 也是因为在《梦宅诡影》中扮演一对夫妻。之后,迅速恋爱。
1、公开恋情:go public with one's romance
e.g. Selena recently revealed that they had made a decision to go public with their romance.塞莱娜表示,他们已经决定公开恋情了。
2、因戏生情:TV Couples who got together in real life
e.g. The obsession with celebrity culture is highlighted by the inclusion of "fauxmance, " which is a non-existent relationship between stars concocted to attract media attention.“捏造恋情”指的是明星们为吸引媒体注意捏造的恋情。 该词被收入词典,也突出反映了大众对名人文化的热衷。
4、掉粉:the sudden drop of fans
e.g. In the meantime, the sudden drop of Weibo fans may indicate that audiences is tired of this kind of things.现在,微博掉粉或许暗示了,观众已经就厌倦了这种事情。