英语自学网 发表于 2017-10-10 22:26:54


        Most companies use the four color personality test to determine how best to address each personality with the goal of creating a harmonious and productive environment. It is useful for an individual to be able to understand each color personality as well to better equipped in adapting to each personality type.许多公司采用四种个性色彩测试来决定如何最佳处理每种个性间的关系以实现创造一个和谐高效的工作环境的目标。了解每种个性色彩对个体来说也同样有用,因为这可以使其更好地适应每种个性。
        No, I'm not asking about your favorite color. After you a reach a certain age, you probably start to realize that not all of us were created equal. We each have our own nuances and personalities which sometimes make it easier for us to get along with some and have a difficult time with others. Some personalities clash and some get along with perfect ease. Most companies use a color personality test in order to better understand these personality differences and how to make it work for everyone.有一点请不要弄错,我并不是在问你最喜欢的颜色。当你到了一定年龄后,你可能就会开始意识到人类并不是生来完全相同的。人与人之间不同的个性和某些细微差别导致我们有时与某些人可以很好地相处,与其他人却不然。有些个性之间会产生冲突,有些却可以轻松自由地相处。许多公司采用个性色彩测试以便于更好地了解这些个性之间的差异并使其被所有人接受。
        Understanding the different personalities is important not just for big companies but for us as individuals as this will make it easier for us to learn how to better deal with colleagues and clients. You might say this could even be useful in understanding your partner when it comes to personal relationships. Understanding gives you a better perspective of a person and how best to react when faced with a stressful situation.了解不同的个性不仅对大公司并且对我们个人来说都非常重要,因为这可以让我们更容易地学会如何更好地处理与同事和客户间的关系。在个人关系层面,你甚至可以说了解不同的个性对理解你的配偶也同样大有帮助。对个性的掌握可以使你更好地了解一个人并学会在面对压力时的最佳应对方法。
        Experts have determined that there are four basic personality types. Yellow, Red, Blue and Green. And it doesn't have anything to do with a person's favorite color. As an individual, learning our color personality is also important. First, because it helps us to better understand ourselves and why we react to certain situations a certain way. Second, when we understand who we are, it allows us to open ourselves to at least try to understand others as well.专家认为目前共有四种基本的性格类型,分别为黄色,红色,蓝色和绿色性格。这些个性色彩与一个人最喜欢的颜色毫无关系。作为个体,了解我们自己的个性色彩同样重要。首先,因为这可以加强我们对自身的了解以及为什么我们会在特定情况下采取特定的应对方式。其次,当我们对自身有所了解后,我们至少会敞开心扉去试图理解他人。
        Want to learn what type of personality you have? You may take this simple color personality test. Once you have finished the test you may go back to check out what your color personality means by checking out the rest of this article. If you find that 2 or more colors returned the same result, that is perfectly normal as no one person is just one color. All of us have some bits of each color personality, although some colors may be more predominant than the rest.想知道你属于哪种个性吗?你可以做一下这个简单的个性色彩测试(http://365tests.com/personality-tests/free-color-personality-test/)。当你完成了测试你可以回来继续浏览下文看看你的个性色彩都有哪些特征。如果你发现两种或两种以上的颜色返回了相同的结果,这也是正常的,因为没有人是只有一种个性色彩的。我们都具有每种个性色彩的某些特征,只不过某些色彩可能更具主导性。
        The yellow personality is generally regarded as the sunniest personality. Often you will find them the life of the party. They are most of the time the loudest and most vocal of the four types of color personality. Some would regard them as the happy-go-lucky type who seem unable to take anything seriously. The yellow personality treats life as if it's one big, continuous party. If faced with a stressful situation, the yellow person would seek out friends and drink it out. Most yellow personalities fear rejection most.黄色性格被普遍认为是最开朗快乐的性格。你会发现黄色性格的所有者常常是社交场合中的中心人物。大多数情况下他们是四种个性色彩中最喧闹且最敢于表达自己的想法的人。有些人认为黄色性格的人是不会认真对待任何事的无忧无虑的乐天派。黄色性格的人把生活当作一场盛大的,不间断的聚会。面对压力时,他们会叫上朋友大肆畅饮。大多数的黄色性格人最害怕被拒绝。
        1. Optimism乐观
        2. Enthusiasm热情
        3. Makes good impressions给人好印象
        4. Verbally articulate能言善辩
        5. Likes to help others乐于助人
        6. Creates entertaining climate善于制造令人愉快的氛围
        Ideal situation理想环境
        1. Friendly warm environment友好热情的氛围
        2. Freedom from control不受拘束
        3. Public recognition of ability个人能力得到公开认同
        4. Opportunity to talk有说话的机会
        5. Positive reinforcement积极强化
        6. Enthusiastic response to ideas观点受到积极响应
        1. Following through坚持到底
        2. Overestimating results高估结果
        3. Misjudging capabilities错误判断能力
        4. Talks too much话太多
        5. Acts impulsively冲动行动
        6. Jumps to conclusions轻下断言
        7. Over commits过度承诺
        8. Acts first, thinks second不思考就行动
        Needs others to provide需要他人提供的
        1. Follow through on details在细节上坚持到底
        2. Focus on tasks对任务的集中
        3. Logical approach合乎逻辑的手段
        Personal growth area个人需要改进的方面
        1. Time awareness时间观念
        2. Objectivity in decision making做决定时的客观性
        The red personality is generally considered the "dominating personality". These are the types of person who demands that things be done their way and right now. They sometimes have low tolerance for undisciplined and devil-may-care attitude which oftentimes put them at odds with the yellow personality. If faced with a stressful situation the red personality would generally seek out strenuous activities like running or boxing to vent out his or her frustrations. Most reds fear failure.红色性格被普遍认为是“支配型性格”。红色性格的所有者会要求事情必须按照他们的方式立刻被解决。他们有时绝不容忍放纵的和无忧无虑的态度,这也使他们常常与黄色性格的人产生分歧。面对压力时,他们一般会通过跑步或拳击之类的剧烈运动来释放他们的沮丧情绪。大多数的红色性格人害怕失败。
        1. Getting immediate results立即看到结果
        2. Making quick decisions快速做决定
        3. Persistence坚持
        4. Solving problems解决问题
        5. Taking charge领导
        6. Looking self-reliant自立自主
        7. Accepting challenges接受挑战
        Ideal situation理想环境
        1. New varied activities有新颖的多种多样的活动
        2. Opportunity to really get things done有可以真正完成任务的机会
        3. Continual challenges, multi-tasker有不间断的挑战,多面手
        4. Difficult assignments有难度的任务
        5. Freedom to act from their instinct可以按照直觉行动的自由
        6. Control over the situations局势在自己的掌控之下
        7. Direct answers from others, no innuendoes他人给予直接的回答而非间接暗示
        1. Insensitivity towards others对他人漠不关心
        2. Impatient没有耐心
        3. Overlook risks忽略风险
        4. Inflexibility, demanding of others缺乏灵活性,对他人要求过高
        5. Talks too much话太多
        6. Inattentive to details at times时常忽略细节
        7. Resenting of restrictions憎恶规定限制
        Needs others to provide需要他人提供的
        1. Attention to routine tasks对日常工作的关注
        2. Caution谨慎
        3. Focus on details and facts对细节和事实的关注
        Personal growth area个人需要改进的方面
        1. Greater patience更有耐心
        2. Sensitivity to others' needs关心了解他人的需求
        3. Flexibility灵活性
        The green personality is generally referred to as the calm personality. They don't easily get frazzled and are the epitome of calmness even in most stressful situations. To them also falls the role of mediator when faced with sticky situations. When stressed, the green's approach is to sleep it off. The green personality tries his/her best to maintain harmony in all types of situation. Because of the green's inability to say no, people oftentimes take advantage of them.绿色性格被普遍认为是冷静型性格。绿色性格的所有者不会轻易感到疲惫并且即使在压力巨大的情况下也是冷静处事的典范。在棘手的情况中,他们也会充当调停者的角色。面对压力时,他们会通过睡眠来释放压力。他们在所有情境下都会尽全力保持和谐的氛围。因为绿色性格人不擅长拒绝别人,所以他们常常会被他人利用。
        1. Supportive支持鼓励他人
        2. Agreeable令人愉快的
        3. Loyal忠诚的
        4. Self-control自控能力强
        5. Consistent始终如一
        6. Good listener善于倾听
        7. Opportunity to develop personal relationships乐于与人交往
        Ideal situation理想环境
        1. Sincere appreciation by others得到他人真挚的感谢
        2. Minimal conflict between people人与人之间的冲突最小化
        3. Security安全性强
        4. Acknowledgement of work by others工作得到他人的认可
        5. Limited territory有限的个人领域
        6. Traditional procedures传统的程序
        7. Opportunity to develop personal relationships可以与人交往
        1. Resist change抵制变化
        2. Trouble making deadlines不能在期限内完成任务
        3. Overly lenient with people待人过于宽容
        4. Procrastinates拖延症
        5. Indecisive优柔寡断
        6. Holds grudges记仇
        7. Overly possessive占有欲过强
        8. Lacks initiative缺乏主动性
        Needs others to provide需要他人提供的
        1. Push to try new challenges接受新的挑战时需要他人的推动
        2. Help in solving difficult problems在解决困难问题时需要他人的帮助
        3. Initiative and accepting change需要他人提供主动性并接受挑战
        Personal growth area个人需要改进的方面
        1. Facing confrontation and dealing with it直面并解决冲突
        2. Moving at a faster pace and initiating更快节奏地工作,培养主动性
        The blue personality type are seen as the perfectionists. They are the ones who would generally examine the smallest details of every situation and fret about each one of them. The blue personality oftentimes appear unemotional and doesn't want to be touched. The greatest fear of a blue person is to be criticized.蓝色性格被普遍认为是完美主义者。蓝色性格的所有者通常不会放过任何情况下的任何细节并为此而担忧。他们通常不会表露自己的感情并且不想被打扰。蓝色性格人最害怕被批评。
        1. Orderliness有条不紊
        2. Conscientious一丝不苟
        3. Disciplined守纪律
        4. Precise细致认真准确
        5. Thorough全面的
        6. Diplomatic with people待人圆滑
        7. Analytical善于分析
        Ideal situation理想环境
        1. Being able to concentrate on detail能够关注细节
        2. Opportunities to critique有发表评论的机会
        3. Stable surroundings and procedures稳定的周围环境和程序
        4. Exact job description, expectations确切的工作描述和期望
        5. Opportunities for "careful" planning有可以详细规划的机会
        6. Sufficient time to do things right有可以做好某件事的充足的时间
        7. Opportunities for reassurance from authority有可以得到领导层的承诺的机会
        1. Indecisive (looking at all data)优柔寡断(需要考虑所有数据)
        2. Get bogged down in details被细节束缚而陷入僵局
        3. Rigid on the "how to's"做事方式死板
        4. Avoids controversy回避争议
        5. Low self esteem自卑
        6. Hesitant to try new things尝试新事物时犹豫不决
        7. Sensitive to criticism对批评过于敏感
        8. Can be pessimistic有时会消极
        Needs others to provide需要他人提供的
        1. Quick decision making快速做决定
        2. Optimism乐观态度
        3. Help in persuading others在说服他人时需要帮助
        Personal growth area个人需要改进的方面
        1. Be more open with their feelings更多地表达自己的感情
        2. Be more optimistic更乐观一些
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查看完整版本: 红蓝绿黄:看看哪种是你的个性色彩