英语自学网 发表于 2017-9-28 22:40:02


If you love coffee, coke or any kind of caffeinated beverage, then you’re next trip should be to Japan. Coca-Cola has just released Coca-Cola Coffee Plus, a drink with 50 percent more caffeine and 50 percent fewer calories.如果你热爱咖啡、可乐或任何含咖啡因的饮料,接下来可以去一趟日本~可口可乐公司刚推出了一款升级版可乐咖啡,含超过50%的咖啡因和不足50%的少量卡路里。
The intriguing drink, which has been released as a vending machine exclusive, arrives in a 190ml can and has 34mg of caffeine. The coffee comes in the form of extract powder.这款饮品目前只在自动贩卖机上售卖,容量190毫升,内含34毫克咖啡因,非常吸引人,主要用浓缩粉末泡制而成。
According to Shin-Shouhin, it has an odd aroma, as it doesn’t smell like coffee or the iconic soda. It does, however, taste like Coke, until it goes down and you're left with a coffee aftertaste.“To be frank, it's not a very delicious aroma,” notes the article, before going on to describe it as “curious” and “odd.”日本某网站Shin-Shouhin上说它味道很奇怪,闻起来既不像可乐也不像一般的苏打水,喝起来是可乐的味道。但是必须得等它沉淀一会儿,咖啡的味道才会出来。“坦白讲,不是很好闻。”“很奇怪的味道。”
Coca-Cola Coffee Plus isn't the first coffee crossover from the brand. It previously released Coca-Cola BlāK in Europe and the United States.升级版可乐咖啡不是可口可乐推出的第一款跨界饮品了,此前该公司还在欧洲和美国推出过Coca-Cola BlāK。
Look out for the drink at vending machines if you’re in Japan, and then get acquainted with Coca-Cola Plus.要是在日本的话可以找找看自动贩卖机上的这款饮料,尝尝它是什么味道~
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查看完整版本: 日本推出汽水咖啡,味道有点一言难尽