英语自学网 发表于 2017-9-28 22:39:54


Dogs and soccer have a long history together. As well as the countless, mainly hilarious occasions of puppy pitch invasions, there is the famous story of Pickles, who in 1966 found the World Cup (The actual World Cup).狗狗和足球渊源已久。有许多狗狗误入球场让人捧腹的场面,最有名的要数Pickle的狗狗了,它在1966年的世界杯(真正的世界杯)球场上被找到。
It had been stolen the week before and was being held for ransom by thieves. Pickles became an instant celebrity, earning medals, winning dog of the year, a free supply of food and going on to star in the movie The Spy with the Cold Nose.一星期前,这只狗被绑架并勒索赎金。(它被找到之后)立刻成了名人,获得各种奖牌,荣膺年度最佳狗狗狗,免费提供狗粮。还参演电影《荒唐妙探》。
The latest encounter between our furry friends and the beautiful game occurred in Argentina, where an adorably eager pup decided that she could do better than the players out on the pitch and took matters into her own paws.最近,我们毛茸茸的朋友又一次出现在阿根廷的球场上,并且表现优异,这只可爱的小狗想急于表现自己能够比场上的球员更加出色,用两只爪子抓住足球。

Showing some remarkably silky skills, it proved hilariously difficult to dislodge the persistent pooch from the ball. Charming players and fans alike with her enthusiasm, the stray dog even earned a post-match interview with TyC Sports. It didn’t go well however, as she decided to try to get away with the microphone as well!这只狗狗展示了的“球技”,而且她就是盯着球赶不走,场面搞笑。球员们和粉丝都被它的热情感染了,这只走失的小狗甚至还上了了TyC Sports的赛前采访,不过它老是躲着麦克风,所以采访不是很顺利。
According to Argentinian sports newspaper Olé, the home team San Lorenzo has decided to adopt the dog and have given her a job, scaring away the pigeons from the freshly seeded pitch. They won the match 1-0 and have since taken the little doggy into their hearts, seeing her as an important factor in securing the victory.根据阿根庭体育新闻《Olé》报道,主队San Lorenzo打算领养这只狗,并交给她一项任务,就是在新播种的球场上驱赶鸽子。主队最终以1比0战胜比赛,他们把这只小狗当成是能够蝉联胜利的吉祥物。
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