Prince Harry secretly visited the set of Suits, his girlfriend Meghan Markle's television show, on Wednesday when he quietly flew into Toronto a few days early. He apparently met the cast and crew of the US legal drama and proudly watched Meghan in action.几天前哈里王子悄悄飞往多伦多,并于周三前往《金装律师》剧组探班他的女朋友梅根·马克尔。很明显,他与这部美国律政剧的演员及工作人员见了面,还自豪的看了梅根拍戏。
'Everyone was so excited,' a source said. 'He was super low key, met some crew and was so happy to watch his lady.'“每个人都很兴奋,”一位知情人士说道。“他特别低调,还见了几位工作人员,而且他很高兴能够见到自己的女朋友。”
Prince Harry arrived at the York Lion Stadium in Toronto for the Invictus Games on Sunday. Although hopes were high that he would be accompanied by Miss Markle, the royal arrived at the York Lions Stadium alone.哈里王子于周日抵达多伦多约克雄狮体育馆参加永不屈服运动会。虽然大家都希望马克尔女士会陪他出席这次活动,但他还是一个人抵达了约克雄狮体育馆。
However, the previous evening he and Miss Markle had appeared at the same official event - the opening ceremony for the games. Meghan sat next to Markus Anderson, her 'best friend' who introduced the pair last year, while Prince Harry was 18 rows away. Instead of his girlfriend, Harry was seated next to First Lady Melania Trump in a VIP box.不过,在前一天晚上他和马克尔女士出席了同一场官方活动,也就是永不屈服运动会的开幕式。在开幕式上,梅根坐在了马库斯·安德森的旁边。马库斯·安德森是她“最好的朋友”,而且是他在去年介绍梅根和哈里王子认识的。与此同时,哈里王子则坐在了离他们18排远的位置上。他没有跟女朋友坐在一起,而是坐在贵宾席,并且坐在了美国第一夫人梅拉尼娅·特朗普的旁边。
Her low key presence marks the first time she has joined the Royal for an official event and will intensify speculation that an engagement announcement is imminent .梅根的低调出席标志着她首次与哈里王子一起参加官方活动,也使更多人猜测他们即将订婚。
The distance did nothing to dampen the actress's excitement. She beamed as Harry gave an inspiring speech on stage during which he told the 550 athletes gathered: 'You are all winners. You are Invictus.'两人之间的距离并没有影响梅根激动的心情。当哈里王子在台上发表鼓舞人心的演说时,她笑容满面地看着他。哈里王子还对聚在一起的550位运动员说:“你们都是冠军。你们都不可战胜。”
Intriguingly , as she is not entitled to British tax-payer funded police protection, one of Harry's Scotland Yard security officers could be seen hidden away in a stairwell close to where Miss Markle was seated. Presumably he had been stationed there to whisk her away as soon as the opening show had ended.有意思的是,虽然梅根还没有资格接受由英国纳税人资助的警察的保护,但还是可以看到哈里王子的苏格兰场安全官躲在马克尔女士座位附近的楼梯口。这位安全官待在那儿大概是为了开幕式一结束就带她迅速离开吧。