英语自学网 发表于 2017-9-13 20:35:58


SHERLOCK star Benedict Cumberbatch could have earned £240,000 at one event just by posing for pictures with fans.饰演夏洛克的演员卷福本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)一次能赚24万英镑,而他要做的只是站在那摆姿势和粉丝拍照。
They were charged £75 a time to have their photo taken with the actor, 41, who posed for 3,190 snaps over two days.他们俩花了75英镑和41岁的卷福拍了一张照。两天来,卷福已经拍了3190张照片了。
It means Benedict, worth an estimated £25million, would have made £239,250 just on pictures— assuming he got it all.假设所有拍照收费都归他所有,光是拍照,身价2500万英镑的卷福就有可能已经赚了23万9250英镑了。
But hundreds of fans would also have forked out £85 for an autograph and £25 to hear him talk to an audience.但是还有上千粉丝大概以85英镑的高价买了卷福的亲笔签名,又花了25英镑听他说话。
One film buff, known only as Eva, 47, was happy to spend a total of £225 for the top package. She said: “After a silly pic, brilliant talk and a lovely autograph I'm going to call it quits. I'm tired but happy.”一位叫伊娃的电影迷今年47岁,花了225英镑获得了全套服务,为此开心不已。她说“我拍了一张蠢照、和卷福有了很棒的对话、拿到了签名,正要打电话时就结束了。虽然很累但是很开心。”
But one unimpressed parent dubbed him “Benedict Moneysnatch”.但是有家长对此感到不屑,称卷福是“本尼迪克特·抢钱人”
Benedict was the star attraction at the London Film and Comic Convention held at Olympia at the end of July.7月底,卷福在奥林匹亚伦敦电影喜剧节(London Film and Comic Convention)上是最受瞩目的明星。
It is not clear how much of the cash the stars actually get. Benedict was unavailable for comment.卷福到底赚了多少还不清楚,但是现在人家可没有空哦。
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