英语自学网 发表于 2017-9-12 20:50:05


        During presentations, positive body language was strongly correlated with more successful outcomes. We’ve found similar correlations in the political realm. During the 2012 U.S. Presidential election, an online study was conducted—1,000 participants in this study—both Democrats and Republicans—watched two-minute video clips featuring Barack Obama and Mitt Romney at campaign events. Webcams recorded the viewers’ facial expressions, and showed that Obama sparked stronger emotional responses and fewer negative ones. Even a significant number of Republicans—16%— reacted negatively to Romney. And when we analyzed the candidates’ body language, we found that Obama displayed primarily open, positive, confident positions congruent with his speech. Romney, by contrast, often gave out negative signals, diminishing his message with contradictory and distracting facial expressions and movement.演讲时,讲者一些积极性的身体语言能够大大提高演讲效果。政治演讲中尤为如此。2012年美国总统大选中,民主党和共和党两党1000名成员参与了一项网上调查,观看长达两分半钟的候选人(奥巴马及罗姆尼)演讲视频。在观看过程中,网络摄像机记录了每个观看者的面部表情,最终发现,奥巴马的演讲更能激发人们的情绪,引起共鸣,但是共和党参与人员中竟有16%都对罗姆尼的演讲不满意。两名候选人的身体语言也各有不同,奥巴马的身体语言多是开放式的、积极的、自信的,而后者的面部表情和身体语言大多是不积极的,从而影响了演讲效果。
        Of course, the election didn’t hinge on body language. But the right kinds of non-verbal communication did correlate with success.当然,身体语言不能决定选举结果。但正确的非语言交流方式对成功与否有着很大的影响。
        How can you send out the same signals—and hopefully generate the same success? We’ve studied successful leaders across a range of fields and identified several positions which are indicators of effective, persuasive body language.如何才能用身体语言更好地表达情绪、帮助自己成功呢?通过研究各个领域杰出领导人的身体语言,我们总结出了以下几个可以增强说服力的动作。
        The box

        Early in Bill Clinton’s political career he would punctuate his speeches with big, wide gestures that made him appear untrustworthy. To help him keep his body language under control, his advisors taught him to imagine a box in front of his chest and belly and contain his hand movements within it. Since then, “the Clinton box” has become a popular term in the field.Bill Clinton在早期政治生涯中,习惯在演讲中做大幅度动作,导致信任度降低。后来,他的顾问为了帮助他控制身体语言,让他在演讲中想象在胸腹前抱着一个盒子,以控制双手的移动。这就是著名的“克林顿盒子”一词的由来。
        Holding the ball

        Gesturing as if you were holding a basketball between your hands is an indicator of confidence and control, as if you almost literally have the facts at your fingertips hands. Steve Jobs frequently used this position in his speeches.双手像抱着一个篮球一样的姿势能够增加自信、更好地掌控全场,让你看起来更有可信度。Steve Jobs经常在演讲中使用这个姿势。
        Pyramid hands

        When people are nervous, their hands often flit about and fidget. When they’re confident, they are still. One way to accomplish that is to clasp both hands together in a relaxed pyramid. Many business executives employ this gesture, though beware of overuse or pairing it with domineering or arrogant facial expressions. The idea is to show you’re relaxed, not smug.人们紧张时,手往往会随着情绪不安地摆动。但当人们感到自信时,手的位置是固定的。保持手部固定的一个方法就是将双手合成像金字塔一样的形状。许多商业领袖都会在演讲中使用这个姿势,注意不要太过拘谨,也不要配上自大、专横的面部表情。这个手势主要是为了帮你放松紧张的情绪,而不是显得自鸣得意。
        Wide stance

        How people stand is a strong indicator of their mindset. When you stand in this strong and steady position, with your feet about a shoulder width apart, it signals that you feel in control.人们的站姿常常代表了精神状态。站立时身姿挺拔、双脚分开与肩宽常常代表对一切了然于胸、胸有成竹。
        Palms up

        This gesture indicates openness and honesty. Oprah makes strong use of this during her speeches. She is a powerful, influential figure, but also appears willing to connect sincerely with the people she is speaking to, be it one person or a crowd of thousands.这个动作代表开放和城市。Oprah在演讲时经常使用这个动作。她很有说服力和影响力,同时也非常平易近人,两种状态可以随意切换。
        Palms down

        The opposite movement can be viewed positively too—as a sign of strength, authority and assertiveness. Barack Obama has often used it to calm a crowd right after moments of rousing oration.掌心朝下也是一个积极性的姿势,代表了力量、权威性和魄力。Barack Obama常常在一段情绪激昂的演讲后使用这个手势。
        The next time you give a presentation, try to have it recorded, then review the video with the sound off, watching only your body language. How did you stand and gesture? Did you use any of these positions? If not, think about how you might do so the next time you’re in front of an audience, or even just speaking to your boss or a big client. Practice in front of a mirror, then with friends, until they feel natural.下次演讲时,你可以尝试将整个过程记录下来,之后重看视频和音频,专注看自己的身体语言。在演讲中你是如何站立的?用了哪些手势和动作?有没有以上提到的几种?如果没有的话,或许下次演讲或者与老板、客户讲话时你可以尝试使用上面提到过的手势。最开始可以对着镜子练习,之后可以对着朋友练习,直至熟练掌握。
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查看完整版本: 演讲时如何看起来更加自信?掌握这六招!