英语自学网 发表于 2017-8-26 12:09:41


        With Prince George about to start ‘big’ school in just a fortnight, his new school has been described as ‘competitive, oversubscribed’ and for ‘cosmopolitan parents who want their children to have the best English education money can buy’.还有两周乔治王子就要上“大”学校了,而他的新学校被描述为“有竞争力且供不应求”的学校,还是“那些见多识广且有支付能力的父母想要孩子接受最好的英语教育的地方”。
        The third in line to the throne, who turned four in July, will be one of the youngest pupils in his class at Thomas's, a private £19,884-a-year school in Battersea, an affluent middle class area of south west London.英国皇室第三顺位继承人乔治王子七月份就满四岁了,他将成为托马斯小学他所在班级里最小的孩子之一。托马斯小学是巴特西地区的一所私立小学,一年的学费为19,884英镑,而巴特西是伦敦西南部中产阶级聚集的一个地区。
        According to the newly updated review by the Good Schools Guide, Thomas's, a family-owned school, is so popular that parents are encouraged to register their child at birth, although that is something that clearly didn’t happen in the little prince’s case.据最新版的优秀学校指南介绍,托马斯小学是一所家族运营的学校,因为太受欢迎,以至于父母们都被鼓励在孩子出生的时候就在该学校注册,不过显然这种情况并不适用于小王子乔治。
        The school even has a criteria of what they look for in a child, namely ones with: ‘a measure of confidence, are responsive, sociable, with a light in their eyes’.这所学校甚至还有一条录取学生的标准,也就是“那些既自信又反应快,而且善于交际,眼睛里闪耀着光芒的孩子”就是他们想要的学生。
        The school has its own fleet of buses to ferry them for sports – which includes sculling - and boasts its own science labs, computer suites, music centre teaching everything from the cornet to the piano, and two pottery rooms.这所学校还有自己的车队,可以带孩子们去做运动,例如划船。此外,该学校还有自己引以为豪的科学实验室、电脑设备、音乐中心以及两个陶艺室。其音乐中心可以提供短号、钢琴以及其他所有相关的音乐课程。
        Latin is compulsory from Year 5 and younger children, like George in reception, have access to a ‘fantastic’ rooftop playground.从五年级起,学生们就必须要学习拉丁语,而像乔治一样还在学前班的小孩子则可以到“奇妙的”屋顶游乐场玩耍。
        In choosing Thomas's, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, have shunned ‘traditional’ royal feeder schools, such as Whetherby, attended by both William and Harry.在选择学校的时候,剑桥公爵夫妇有意回避了“传统的”皇家直属学校,例如威廉王子和哈利王子曾就读的威士比男校,最终选择了托马斯小学。
        Thomas’s prides itself on a ‘rounded education’, with as much emphasis on its motto Be Kind, as on academic results – although many of its students go onto good public schools such as Eton.托马斯小学以其“全面的教育”而自豪,其格言是待人友善,它认为友善与学业同样重要,不过该校的多数学生都进入了不错的公立中学,如伊顿公学。
        In a letter to parents, the school's principles, Ben Thomas and Tobyn Thomas (sons of the school's founders), said they were ‘delighted’ at William and Kate’s decision.在致学生父母的一封信中,该小学的校长本·托马斯与托宾·汤马斯(该学校创始人的儿子们)表示,威廉王子和凯特王妃的决定使他们“非常高兴”。
        ‘The Duke and Duchess have made it clear that they do not wish Prince George's attendance at Thomas's to change its aims, values or ethos in any way.公爵夫妇已明确表示,在任何情况下,他们都不希望乔治王子的加入会改变汤马斯小学的目标、价值观或理念。
        'They would like, as far as is possible, for him to enjoy the same education that all of our pupils receive and for them to join the school community as all of our parents do.'“他们想尽可能地让乔治王子获得我们所有的孩子都能接受到的同样的教育,而他们也愿意像我们所有的父母一样加入学校社区。”
        Princess Charlotte, two, will also start nursery school in London in the next few months.两岁的夏洛特公主也将在几个月之后去伦敦的幼儿园上学。
        As Thomas's has its own kindergarten department, it is widely expected that she will follow in George's footsteps.因为托马斯小学也有自己的幼儿园,所以大家普遍认为夏洛特公主也会追随乔治王子(进入托马斯小学)。
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