英语自学网 发表于 2017-8-22 20:38:23


        Taylor Swift broke the internet on Friday by deleting almost all of her social media content. While most of her accounts remain open, they're currently blank, and don't even feature a profile picture of the singer. Obviously, this has led Swifties to believe that the singer is making her long-awaited comeback.周五,霉霉删光了之前在所有社交网站上发布的内容,虽然,账号并没有被注销,目前上面一片空白,甚至连歌手的相簿里也是空的。很显然,这些让霉霉的粉丝认为他们即将迎来霉霉大众所望的回归。
        As well as deleting all of her social media, Swift appears to have dropped a few clues regarding her comeback: 在删光所有内容的同时,霉霉也留下了她会回归的蛛丝马迹:
        Exactly three years ago, Swift debuted "Shake It Off" for the first time.就像3年前她发布“Shake it off”这首新歌一样。
        In 2017, Swift deleted her social media presence on August 18. This date just so happens to be the three year anniversary of Swift premiering "Shake It Off" and announcing 1989, in 2014. Coincidence? We think not.2017年8月18日,霉霉社交媒体上的状态都被删除了,就像三年前2014年发布单曲“Shake It off”和专辑《1989》的日期一样。难道只是单纯的巧合?肯定不是。
        She might have an appearance scheduled on 'Good Morning America'她也许会出现在“早安美国”的节目中。
        DIRECTV is currently listing Swift as a guest on GMA on August 31. Is this a mistake, or the legit schedule? 电视台把霉霉列为8.31早安美国的嘉宾。只是一个无心之过,还是有心安排?
        Her website's coding features a secret message.霉霉的网站上也出现了一条加密过的信息。
        According to an eagle-eyed fan, Swift's website is apparently currently running javascript by the name of "ivegotablankspace," referencing her 1989 single. 据一位眼光犀利的粉丝表示,加载的java文本正对应着1989那张专辑。
        And that's not all. A secret message in the code allegedly says, "that's what they don't see," which could be a new song lyric, or the title of her next single.不仅如此,那条秘语仿佛在说,这就是他们所看不见的,也许是新歌的歌词,亦或是新专辑名。
        Fans are sure to continue scouring the internet for clues over the weekend, while the world awaits an official announcement about TS6.粉丝们周末依然会毫不懈怠地在网上寻找蛛丝马迹,全世界都在等官方宣布霉霉的第六张新专辑。
        Still, it seems as though Swift's sixth album will definitely be making an appearance in 2017, when the world needs it most.不过,肯定的是,霉霉的第六张专辑肯会在2017年大家的翘首以待中面世。
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查看完整版本: 诸多迹象表明,霉霉即将出新专辑啦!