英语自学网 发表于 2017-8-22 20:38:02


       Four People have been arrested for leaking an episode of Game of Thrones. 此前,泄露《权力的游戏》剧集的四人现已被捕。
        The fourth episode of the latest series, 'The Spoils of War' was leaked from HBO International distributor Star India a few days before it aired last week. 上周,《权力的游戏》最新一季第四集“战利品”在播出之前便从其分销商Star India处遭到泄露。
        Star India have said they are taking the offence 'very seriously.' Star India之前表示他们“非常严肃”对待此次黑客入侵。
        The men were arrested in Mumbai following an investigation into a leak of the episode before it's scheduled release on August 7. “权游”第四集正常播出时间为8月7日,遭泄露后经调查,犯罪四人在孟买被逮捕。
        The four have been charged with 'criminal reach of trust and computer-related offences' and will be detained until August 21. 该四人以“背信犯罪和网络犯罪”的罪名被起诉并被拘留至8月21日。
        Three of the men are employees of Prime Focus Technologies, an independent company that handles Star India's data, a source told CNN. 知情者告诉CNN,其中三人是Prime Focus Technologies的员工,该公司是一家独立公司,负责管理Star India公司的数据。
        While The fourth is a former employee of the company. 还有一人是该公司的前雇员。
        Star India have vowed to take action over the leak. 承诺采取措施应对此次泄露事件。
        "We take this breach very seriously and have immediately initiated forensic investigations at our and the technology partner’s end to swiftly determine the cause. “我们非常严肃地对待此次泄露事件,当即在我公司和该合作公司启动了取证调查程序,以迅速找到原因。
        This is a grave issue and we are taking appropriate legal remedial action.”此次事态严重,我们将采取适当的法律补救措施。”
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查看完整版本: 《权游》第四集泄露全怪猪队友,嫌疑人已被捕