The highly anticipated Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is still months away from its December broadcast, but the brand is already well in the works of casting the faces for the enchanting extravaganza. At the lingerie retailer’s show casting in New York, models turned out in understated chic looks, inundated with neutrals, to audition for the upcoming 2017 Shanghai show.备受瞩目的维密秀将于12月举办,虽然距今还有几个月的时间,但该品牌商已经开始在为此次迷人的表演秀进行试镜了。在纽约举办的该女士内衣品牌的初试秀上,模特们以低调时髦的装扮、满满的中性风现身,为即将到来的2017年上海维密秀试镜。
Black shoes reigned supreme, overall, for the models, particularly black booties. One statuesque model, however, took it a step further.模特们基本上都比较喜欢黑色的鞋子,特别是黑色的中短靴。不过,一位端庄优雅的高挑模特则更进了一步。
Symone Challenger showed off her long legs by wearing suede thigh-high boots in the middle of summer. She kept the look streamlined with all-black attire, including a ball cap and leather bag.西蒙·查林杰在仲夏穿上了一双绒面革长筒靴,使她的大长腿更加显眼。她穿着黑色的衣服,戴着一顶棒球帽,背着一个皮包,整体装扮很一致。
Another popular pair of kicks were white Converse Chuck Taylors, which at least two models were snapped wearing.Given the amount of strutting in heels they are likely to do for the audition, it’s a practical yet contemporary choice.另一款比较受欢迎的鞋子是白色的匡威鞋,至少有两位模特被拍到穿着这款鞋。考虑到为了试镜而穿上高跟鞋的模特的数量,匡威鞋不失为一个实用却新潮的选择。
Wanessa Milhomem styled hers with ripped jeans, a black crop top and a Chloé bag.万妮莎·米尔赫默姆穿着一条破洞牛仔裤,上身搭配了一件黑色的短上衣,并背着一个珂洛艾伊包。
Still, some models opted to wear heels anyway, especially strappy sandals.不过,还是有一些模特选择了穿高跟鞋,特别是系带的凉鞋。
Lara Ghraoui, whose jeans and black top were reminiscent of Milhomem’s look, finished her minimalist outfit with a Saint Laurent quilted purse and black sandals.拉腊·赫拉奥乌伊身着极简主义风格的服装,背着一个圣罗兰绗缝包包,穿着一双黑色凉鞋,她的牛仔裤和黑色上衣让人想起了米尔赫默姆的装扮。