Cocal-Cola, Diet Coke , Coke Zero - each member of the Coke family - and even rank outsider Pepsi - has its own dedicated fanbase. 可口可乐,健怡可乐,零度可乐都来自可乐家族,甚至连非可乐家族的百事,都有自己固定的粉丝群。
Responding to a consumer decline in fizzy drinks as people become more health conscious, the soft drink giant launched the first can of Diet Coke in 1983, followed by Coke Zero in 2006 and the launch this year of Coke with Stevia. 顾客们不再买账各种眼花撩乱的饮料,而更注重健康理念,第一罐健怡可乐就是可口可乐公司为了迎合消费者,而于在1983年生产出的,紧接着2006年零度可乐问世,今年又出品了无糖可乐(甜菊素代替糖)。
Diet Coke was marketed as having no sugar, as is Coke Zero - so what's the actual difference between them, bar the packaging?健怡可乐以不含糖作为宣传手段,和零度可乐一样,那么它们之间的区别是什么呢?难道只是包装上的条形码不同么?
As it turns out, there is one crucial difference between the two soft drinks.It comes down to a single chemical.The intention for both drinks is for them to have very different tastes.事实证明,两种饮料有一个关键的不同,就是里面的化学物质,这使得两种饮料口感非常不同。
Zero Sugar is crafted to taste like 'Full Fat Coke', whereas Diet Coke is meant to have its own, distinctive flavour.零度可乐尝起来就像“正常的可乐”,而健怡可乐有自己独特的口味。
To achieve these different tastes, Zero Sugar uses sodium citrate and Diet Coke has citric acid.为了让它们口感不同,零度可乐添加了柠檬酸钠,而健怡可乐则加的是柠檬酸。
The full list of Coca-Cola Zero Sugar ingredients:零度可口可乐完全配料表
Water, colour (caramel E150d), phosphoric acid, sweeteners (aspartame, asesulfame K), natural flavourings including caffeine, acidity regulator (sodium citrate).水,食用色素(焦糖色 E150d), 磷酸,甜味剂(阿巴斯甜,AK糖),天然香料有咖啡因,酸度调节剂(柠檬酸钠)
The full list of Diet Coke ingredients:健怡可口可乐完全配料表
Carbonated water, colour (caramel E150d), sweeteners (aspartame, acesulfame K), natural flavourings including caffeine, phosphoric acid, citric acid.苏打水,食用色素(焦糖色 E150d),天然香料有咖啡因,磷酸,酸度调节剂(柠檬酸)
Of course, the days of Coke Zero as we know it are numbered.而且,零度可乐即将不再出售。
Coca-Cola has scrapped its Coke Zero product line and will release a new product, titled Coke No Sugar, in its place. 可口可乐公司摒弃了零度可乐的生产线,取而代之的是新产品无糖可乐。
Coca Cola promises Coke No Sugar tastes just like the 130-year-old Coke recipe should - without using sugar.可口可乐保证新产品尝起来还是用130年的老配方做出来的老味道,还不含糖。
So if you REALLY love Coke Zero as it is, better start stockpiling now.如果你真的钟情零度可乐,那可以开始囤货了。