David and Victoria Beckham crash the set of Modern Family with their kids酷了,小贝一家探班摩登家庭剧组
Mum Victoria looked very excited as she captioned her Instagram photo: 'Dunphys' are out, the Beckham's moved in. The new modern family! #DavidDunphy #Mitchstolemypose.’贝嫂维多利亚在ins上晒出全家福并配文称“邓菲一家走了!贝克汉姆一家搬进来了!新的摩登家庭!”
Posh Spice was joined with her husband David and her entire brood – Brooklyn, 18, Romeo, 14, Cruz, 12 and Harper, six – as they spent a day at the ABC studios in Los Angeles.据悉,辣妹一家在洛杉矶的ABC片场来了个一日游,同行的还有18岁的布鲁克林,14岁的罗密欧,12岁的克鲁兹以及年仅6岁的哈珀。
In the back of the picture, you can easily spot Jesse, who plays Mitchel Pritchett, striking a pose.不难发现,沙发后面摆pose的那位就是米歇尔·普利切特的扮演者杰西。
He captioned the same image with,’the role of Claire is being played by @victoriabeckham. The role of Phil is being played by @davidbeckham. The role of Victoria Beckham is being played by @jessetyler.Thank you all for coming to visit the Modern Family set today! We loved having you all!!!’ he wrote.他也在Instagram上晒出了自己和小贝一家店合影,配文道:“克莱尔的角色由维多利亚-贝克汉姆饰演,菲尔的角色由大卫-贝克汉姆饰演,而维多利亚-贝克汉姆的角色由杰西-泰勒饰演。感谢你们今天来探班摩登家庭!我们欢迎你们所有人!
The family clearly looked they were enjoying their time on set as David pulled and extravagant pose and Victoria was, well, Victoria.这一家自看起来很是享受,小贝摆起了夸张的姿势,而维多利亚依旧是酷酷的。
The three youngest Beckham kids sat sensibly on the sofa with a friend as big brother Brooklyn posed just behind them.三只小朋友乖乖地坐在沙发上,他们的大哥布鲁克林则是站在了沙发后面。
This picture comes a day after former striker Becks shared a picture of himself attempting to tackle a LEGO replica of the iconic Disney Castle.前几天,贝克汉姆刚刚晒出一组照片,照片上这个昔日的前锋正在试图用乐高拼迪士尼的标志性大楼。
He wrote: ‘Page 1 of the Disney castle, 4000 pieces 490 pages of instructions I look confused but I’m so excited.’他还吐槽说:“有4000个部件和490页的说明书,虽然我看起来很困惑但实际上我很兴奋。”