On a recent royal tour of Poland , the Duchess of Cambridge joked she and William should have another baby, after being given a present designed for newborns.近日,皇室出访了波兰。收到婴儿礼物的凯特王妃,笑称要和威廉王子再添新丁了。
Saying thank you for the present, she turned to the Duke laughing and said: "We will just have to have more babies."凯特道谢后跟威廉王子笑说:“看来我们必须要再生几个了。”
Family planning group Having Kids felt moved to share their thoughts on the subject - which were definitely not in favour of a third child. The group champion couples having smaller families, and in an open letter to the Cambridges urged them to NOT add to their brood.家庭计划组织“Having Kids”忍不住对此发表了意见:不支持王室再添新丁。Having Kids倡导小型家庭,为此特意发表了一份公开信,建议威廉夫妇停止生育。
"All of us – especially public figures – should plan our families with the future environment in mind, producing a smaller and more resilient populace capable of thriving in that environment," the letter reads.信中说:“我们每个人都应该为了将来的生存环境计划家庭成员数,尤其是公众人物,要知道,以后的环境发展需要的是小型家庭、人口可控的家庭。”
The letter continues: "Of course, we know that Prince George and Princess Charlotte are certain to have wonderful lives, protected from the deprivation of poverty and the threat of environmental degradation. They will receive optimal amounts of care and attention, as well as the best possible education. But the same can’t be said of every future child."信中还提到:“当然,乔治王子和夏洛特公主人生一片坦途,不会遭受贫穷和环境污染的威胁。他们还会得到最细致的关怀,受到最多的瞩目,接收最优质的教育。但是不是每一个孩子都能拥有这样的人生。”
Cheerleaders for the Royal family were outraged.英国王室的粉丝被信中的言论惹恼了。
"You want to mind your own business! Who are you to dictate how many kids our royals, or anyone has?! Butt out!" wrote on incensed Twitter user.一位推特用户在推特上愤怒地写到:“管好你自己吧!你以为你是谁?凭什么管王室生几个孩子?滚吧你!”
Having Kids has since responded to the backlash, explaining they chose William and Kate because of their public stature, and that "the impact the wealthiest families have on the environment dwarfs the impact of children born in the developing world."该组织回应了此类言论,解释说,选择对威廉和凯特发公开信是因为他们公众人物的身份,“在英国王室出生的小孩在环境方面的影响力自然远胜于发展中国家出生的小孩”。
No matter how valid the charity's argument about over-population and its disastrous impact on the world, it seems there's no arguing with ardent fans of the Royal family.不管该组织的理由多么充分,如何解释人口过剩给全球带来的影响有多大,英国王室忠诚的粉丝们可从来没把它们放在眼里。