英语自学网 发表于 2017-8-12 12:08:10


        Queen Elizabeth II Enjoys Not One, But FOUR Alcoholic Drinks Every Single Day女王一天要喝4杯酒?!
        For Queen Elizabeth II, it’s always five o’clock somewhere. Her Majesty already gets away with celebrating two birthdays every year.But when she’s not meeting foreign dignitaries or negotiating with the British Parliament, the Queen could be found sipping one of her daily boozy beverages.对于英国女王伊丽莎白二世来说,在任何地方都可以喝下午茶。她现在已经告别了每年过两次生日的时代。但是,当她不用会见国外高官以及王公大臣时,女王总会小酌一杯。
        In fact, former royal chef Darren McGrady just dished on Queen Elizabeth’s drinking habits. What he revealed might surprise you.实际上,听过前皇家御用厨师达伦·麦克格雷迪公开的女王的日常饮酒惯例,你也许会大吃一惊。
        According to McGrady, Queen Elizabeth starts her day with a pre-lunch gin and Dubonnet cocktail, garnished with a slice of lemon and plenty of ice.麦克格雷迪透露,伊丽莎白女王在午餐前会喝杜松子酒以及杜本内鸡尾酒,外加一片柠檬和大量冰块。
        Business Insider speculates that she drinks Gordon’s Gin, which holds an official royal warrant: a trademark awarded to companies who provide goods or services to the royal family for more than five years.而据网站Business Insider猜测,女王喝的是戈登牌杜松子酒。这个牌子经过皇家授权,已经为皇室提供食品和服务已经有五年多了。
        You can find the queen’s coat of arms displayed on the selected businesses’ packaging and promotional materials,PopSugar reports. PopSugar报道则称,戈登的包装和宣传材料上都印着女王的徽章。
        For lunch, the Queen matches a simple meal of vegetables and fish with a glass of wine and a piece of chocolate, McGrady told The Telegraph. A cousin claims that she may also sip a dry gin martini should the mood strike her.麦克格雷迪在接受The Telegraph采访时说,女王的午餐相当简单,只是一些蔬菜和鱼类,以及巧克力。一位皇室成员透露,如果来了兴致,女王还会小酌几口干型马提尼酒。
        Her Majesty’s afternoon tea has a tamer vibe; she usually selects a simple herbal drink and a dessert, such as pie or chocolate biscuit cake. Finally, the Queen washes down her light dinner with a sophisticated glass of champagne before heading off to bed.伊丽莎白的下午茶则比较温和,通常是一杯香草酒以及诸如巧克力饼干蛋糕一类的甜点。一天终了,女王会在晚饭时来一杯香槟,随后就寝。
        If you’ve been counting, that adds up to four alcoholic beverages in one day.算一算,女王一天要喝4杯酒。
        At six units of alcohol in total, the Independentpoints out that the 91-year-old is technically considered a binge drinker by UK law.这相当于6个单位的酒精量,独立报指出,根据英国法律规定,严格意义上来说,这个91岁的老人应该算是一个酗酒者了。
        But surprisingly, that’s notwhy someone called the police on Queen Elizabeth—yet!然而令人惊讶的是,至今还没有人给警察打电话举报伊丽莎白女王!
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查看完整版本: 女王一天喝4杯酒,难道这就是长寿的秘诀?