英语自学网 发表于 2017-8-9 22:18:59


        Every week millions of people tune in to watch Game of Thrones.每周都有数以百万的人坐在电视机前,等着看《权力的游戏》。
        It is undoubtedly the most popular show on television, with the tales of Jon Snow, Arya Stark and the other inhabitants of Westeros proving to remain irresistibly entertaining. 这部讲述了琼恩·雪诺、艾丽亚·史塔克和维斯特洛等人故事的电视剧,无疑成为了当下最热门的电视剧,简直让人欲罢不能。
        Beyond the compelling and unpredictable narrative, the set design and production values of the show have also won critical acclaim. 这部剧除了有引人入胜、不可预测的叙事外,场景设计和制作理念也赢得了一致好评。
        Considering that each episode has a budget of $10 million, you'd think that a fair chunk of that would be spent on designing the lavish costumes. 考虑到这部剧一集的预算是1000万美元,你肯定会以为一大笔钱都用到了昂贵的服装设计上了。
        That couldn't be further from the truth. The fur capes that are worn in the show are nothing but cheap rugs from IKEA. 但事实远非如此。电视剧里那些毛皮披风其实只是宜家价格便宜的地毯。
        This shocking revelation was unveiled by Michele Clapton, a costume designer on the show, when she recently spoke at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles:该剧的其中一位服装设计师米歇尔·克莱普顿在盖蒂博物馆接受《洛杉矶时报时》透露了这一惊人事实。
        These capes are actually IKEA rugs. 那些披风实际上都是宜家的地毯。
        It's a bit of a truth. We take anything we can. 这是真的,我们极力取材为我们所用。
        We cut, shave them, add strong leather straps and then breakdown, which is like a religion on Game of Thrones. 我们裁剪、修理那些毛毯,加牢固的皮带,再拆掉分离,做这些对这部剧的作用非同一般。
        I want the audience to almost smell the costumes. 我希望观众能够嗅到服装的味道。
        Here they were waxed and frosted so they belonged to the landscape.服装都经过了上蜡打磨,这样能够融入场景之中。
        Now that the truth is out there, were thankful that the capes aren't actual animal fur but now we're left wondering which IKEA rugs they are? 现在真相大白,本来是要感谢那些披风不是真的动物毛皮,但现在我们更好奇的是到底用的宜家那款地毯呢?
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查看完整版本: 什么?权游中的毛皮大衣竟然是宜家的地毯