英语自学网 发表于 2017-8-9 22:18:55


        The Despicable Me franchise has overcome Shrek to become the highest-grossing animated franchise of all time.电影《神偷奶爸》(Despicable Me)成功超越《怪物史瑞克》(Shrek),成为动画电影史上最高票房。
        A successful weekend for the third film in the series from animation studio Illumination has seen the franchise reach a $3.528b total globally topping Shrek's accumulated takings of $3.51b (£2.68b), a total which includes the haul of spinoff Puss In Boots.这是照明娱乐公司(Illumination)制作的第三部《神偷奶爸》,于周末上映,反响不凡。《神偷奶爸》系列全球票房累计达35.28亿美元,此前,《怪物史瑞克》(包括其续片《穿靴子的猫》(Puss In Boots))票房共达35.1亿美元。
        Despicable Me's takings include all three films as well as the hugely-successful 2015 prequel-of-sorts which saw the yellow Minions get their own film - it currently sits as the second highest-grossing animated film of all time.2015年,《神偷奶爸1》大获成功,这是首部以小黄人(yellow Minions)为主角创作的影片,这部电影目前也坐拥动画电影史上第二高票房。
        According to Deadline, the first film, released in 2010, earned $546m (£418m) while its Oscar-nominated sequel - which arrived in 2013 - amassed $607.7m (£465.6m) upping the global haul to $976m (£748m).据媒体Deadline报道,2010年上映《神偷奶爸1》票房高达5.46亿美元,《神偷奶爸2》于2013年上映,获得奥斯卡提名,票房达6.077亿美元,将全球票房增加到了9.76亿美元。
        Minions became the biggest animated film of last year while Despicable Me 3 has outdone the previous two films with worldwide takings of $879.5 (£674m). The franchise will only build on this with the third film going strong across the world and a Minions 2 in the works - Universal can breathe easy.《小黄人》(Minions)是去年最大的动画电影赢家,《神偷奶爸3》远胜前两部,在全球范围内名声大噪,又有《小黄人2》推波助澜,最终全球票房高达8.795亿美元。美国环球电影公司(Universal)可以睡个安稳觉了。
        Despicable Me features the voice talents of Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig and Sandra Bullock. The other three highest-grossing animated franchises below Despicable Me and Shrek is Ice Age, Madagascar and Pixar series Toy Story.《神偷奶爸》配音演员有史蒂夫·卡瑞尔(Steve Carell),克里斯汀·韦格(Kristen Wiig),桑德拉·布洛克(Sandra Bullock),三位都是配音领域的天才。除去《神偷奶爸》和《怪物史瑞克》,另外三部票房成绩不菲的动画电影是冰川时代(Ice Age),《马达加斯加》(Madagascar)和皮克斯动画工厂出品的系列动画《玩具总动员》(Toy Story)。
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