英语自学网 发表于 2017-8-7 20:23:11


        A security company hired by HBO to scrub search results for the hacked files from search engines has told Google that the hackers stole "thousands of Home Box Office (HBO) internal company documents."最近,由于《权利的游戏》剧情遭黑客泄露,HBO雇佣一家安全公司来删除互联网上的有关搜索结果。而这家安全公司透露,入侵的黑客窃取了“数以千计的HBO内部文件”。
        The company in question, IP Echelon, is frequently being used by HBO to remove links to infringing material from Google.业内推测这家安全公司,IP Echelon,之前常受HBO所托删除各种版权文件的搜索引擎链接。
        An HBO spokesperson declined to comment on the take-down notice and the nature of any files stolen by the hackers when contacted by Variety Wednesday "due toan ongoing investigation."但HBO发言人拒绝就删除链接透露相关信息,仅是拿“正在调查”一带而过。
        Word of HBO getting hacked first broke Monday morning, when the hackers approached media outlets with the news that they had broken into HBO's networks and released episodes of Ballers, Insecure, and Room 104 as well as the script for an upcoming episode of Game of Thrones.周一上午,黑客主动向媒体爆料,其攻破了HBO的安全网络,并在网络上公开了Ballers, Insecure和Room 104等热播剧以及权力的游戏等脚本。之后,HBO惨遭黑客袭击的消息就蔓延开来。
        Also released by the hackers were two episodes of Barry, the hit man comedy starring Bill Hader that is not scheduled to air until 2018 on the network.此外,黑客还在网络上发布了两集Barry,该喜剧由Bill Hader主演,原计划于2018年播出。
        The hackers appear to have also leaked personal information of a senior HBO executive. That information, published online in a text document, contains access information to dozens of online accounts, including paid newspaper subscriptions, online banking, and personal health services.黑客还泄露了一位HBO高管的个人信息,相关内容以文本文档的形式被发布到网络上。包括这位高官的付费报纸订阅、网上银行以及个人健康服务等数十个在线账户访问信息被泄露。
        The perpetrators of the hack have claimed that they were able to access some of HBO's key network infrastructure, and steal a total of 1.5 terabyte of data, and have suggested that they will release additional information in the near future.黑客声称他们攻破了HBO的关键网络设备,一共窃取了1.5TB的数据,并暗示将于近期发布更多内容。
        Back in 2014, a group of hackers that is thought to have been backed by North Korea broke into the networks of Sony Pictures. The group subsequently released tens of thousands of emails, as well as scripts and video files, contributing to the ouster of Sony Pictures chief Amy Pascal.黑客入侵电视行业并不鲜见。早在2014年,曾经有黑客入侵了索尼影业,导致数以万计的电子邮件、电影脚本以及视频文件遭泄露,使得索尼影业总裁Amy Pascal不得不引咎辞职。
        HBO acknowledged the hack on Monday, and said that it was working with law enforcement and private firms to remedy the situation."Data protection is a top priority at HBO, and we take seriously our responsibility to protect the data we hold," the company said in a statement.周一HBO承认公司网络遭到黑客入侵,并称正与执法部门以及其他公司合作降低负面影响。该公司在声明中指出,“目前保护数据是HBO的首要任务,我们会认真对待自己的数据信息。”
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查看完整版本: HBO惨遭黑客袭击,众多热播美剧脚本遭泄露