小学英语优秀作文范例:A Lovely Pig 可爱的小猪
我10岁生日那天,妈妈送给我的生日礼物是一个布做的“小猪”。它可爱极了。“小猪”穿着蓝色的衣服。它有一张红红的脸蛋儿,小小的嘴巴。它的两只耳朵像是两把扇子。它看起来真有趣。它总是在微笑。我想它一定是一只快乐的“小猪”。Mother gave me a lovely "pig" made of cloth on my tenth birthday. It was
very lovely. The pig was dressed in blue. He had a red face and a little mouth.
His two ears were just like two fans. He really looked funny. There was always a
smile on his face. He must be a happy "pig" , I think.