夏季涌入的大量游客让威尼斯政府和市民大伤脑筋。为了让游客文明旅游,不把威尼斯当成大号游乐园或者是公共海滩,威尼斯政府近日颁布旅游新规,其中包括禁止在运河游泳、禁止在桥上久留等。Respect Venice. You’re welcome here but you must play by the rules – or pay
for it.
That’s the message from the Venetian authorities, who have unveiled a new
campaign, aimed at tourists, to encourage them to behave appropriately in a city
which is struggling to cope with the influx of visitors, and where locals are at
boiling point over their home being used as a global playground.
Paola Mar, the councillor responsible for tourism, announced that a
campaign called #EnjoyRespectVenezia will launch in time for the summer
The campaign will be spearheaded across social media, shown on the city
council’s website, and provide reminders in the shape of posters around town and
flyers at locations like the train station.
Visitors will be reminded not to swim in canals, make picnic stops out of
public areas, pause too long on bridges, drop litter, ride bikes through the
city or sightsee in bathing suits – all apparently common phenomena.
Transgressors will be fined anything from EUR25 to EUR500.
“The message we have to get through is that we’re not joking,” Mar told
local paper La Nuova. “If it gets about that people who do this kind of thing
are fined, as well as it being flagged to their respective embassies, perhaps
we’ll be able to stop others copying.”
Only last weekend, a group of Belgian teenagers went viral when they posted
a video of themselves jumping off the bridge designed by architect Santiago
Calatrava into the Grand Canal. They have subsequently apologised for their
Last August, a tourist jumping from the Rialto Bridge hit a water taxi and
died in hospital.
The new campaign has been a long time in the planning. Last month, Mar told
The Independenttheir “behavioural campaign” would have 12 golden rules – both
prohibitory and encouraging, too. “The problem is that Venice is perceived as a
beach,” she said.
The campaign will be launched in 10 languages, including English, Chinese,
Arabic and Korean. It will include suggestions on how to change typical
behaviour – including highlighting official picnic areas and public toilets.
Meanwhile, the largest island in the lagoon, the Lido, is embarking on a
sustainable tourism initiative.