英语自学网 发表于 2017-7-28 21:32:57


        Prince William will begin his last shift as an air ambulance pilot this afternoon before moving on to life as a full-time member of the royal family.今天下午威廉王子将最后一次担任救护飞机的飞行员,之后他将用全部的时间来履行其皇室职责。
        The Duke of Cambridge announced in January he would be ending his career with the East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA), and has clocked-up more than two years flying medical crews to emergencies from a base at Cambridge Airport.剑桥公爵于一月宣布他将结束自己在东安格利亚空中急救队的工作,而且他已在剑桥机场一个基地的紧急飞行医疗队中工作了两年多。
        The Duke joined EAAA as a pilot in March 2015 and after completing an initial period of job specific training involving simulator, aircraft and in-flight skills training, he began piloting his first operational missions in July 2015.剑桥公爵于2015年3月加入了东安格利亚空中急救队,成为了一名救护机飞行员。在完成了包括模拟器、飞行器以及飞行技巧等初期专项工作培训后,他于2015年7月执行了首次飞行任务。
        Throughout his service William has been based out of Cambridge Airport, as part of a team including specialist doctors, critical care paramedics and pilots providing emergency medical services across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.在他服务于救护队期间,威廉王子一直驻扎在剑桥机场。他们的团队里有专业医师、急救护理人员以及飞行员,并为贝德福德郡、剑桥郡、诺福克郡和萨福克郡提供紧急医疗服务。
        A statement issued at the time by Kensington Palace said William and Kate wanted to increase their official duties on behalf of the Queen and their charity work, which would mean more time in London.当时肯辛顿宫发表了一篇声明,表示威廉王子和凯特王妃想要为女王分担更多公务,并开展更多的慈善活动,这意味着他们会花更多的时间呆在伦敦。
        The Duke of Edinburgh has announced he will step down from his public duties this summer, which is likely to see all members of the monarchy carrying out more engagements in support of the Queen.今年夏天爱丁堡公爵宣布他将不再担任公职,因此所有的皇室成员很可能都会承担更多的皇室职责来支持女王。
        The Duke said in the statement in January: "It has been a huge privilege to fly with the East Anglian Air Ambulance.”剑桥公爵在一月份发表的声明中表示:“我很荣幸能够为东安格利亚空中急救队效劳。”
        "Following on from my time in the military, I have had experiences in this job I will carry with me for the rest of my life, and that will add a valuable perspective to my royal work for decades to come."“在军队中服务的这段时间,我收获了很多经验,这些将一直会在未来的日子里伴随着我。另外,它还使我对未来几十年里要从事的皇室工作有了更宝贵的见解。”
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