看不懂外企offer letter上的英语条款?这一篇带你涨知识!
寻寻觅觅,很多人都期待拿到一份满意的offer letter!然而外企offer letter往往是英文写的。
那么,你真的看得懂外企的offer letter吗?你知道 “洋聘书”里又有哪些注意事项呢?
今天和小编一起来学习下,争取下次拿到外企offer letter也能看懂,不吃亏!
先给大家看一个小编朋友拿到的offer letter,然后咱们再好好侃侃里面的门道。
以上就是一封offer letter大概的长相。
It is my pleasure to extend the following offer of employment to you on behalf of (your company name). This offer is contingent upon your passing our mandatory drug screen, our receipt of your college transcripts, and (any other contingencies you may wish to state).很高兴代表XXX公司给你发这份聘书。只有您通过强制性的毒品滥用筛检,我方收到您的大学成绩单(及其他附件条件),此份聘书才正式生效。
之后,offer letter会逐一解释各项条款。
Your title will be customer support specialist if you accept this employment offer. You will report to Steve Smith, manager of customer support.如果你接受这份聘书,你的头衔将是客户支持专员。 你将向客户支持经理Steve Smith报告。
2.Job Description
In the role of customer support specialist, you will be expected to carry out the duties and responsibilities described in the enclosed job description which is periodically updated to reflect customer service needs.客服支持专员的职责是:执行附件中工作岗位说明书中的职责,履行相关义务。此项岗位说明将会不定期更新,以更好地反映客户服务需求。
3.Dates and Times
通常开说,offer letter里会标明正式上班日期,但如果你需有休假计划,或者需要搬家,也可以要求上班日期往后延期。此外,如下一些注意事项也非常重要。
You are expected to start your employment on August 1st, 2017. Please report to the customer service department where you will begin your onboarding process at 9:00 a.m.你的入职时间为2017年8月1日,到时,请向客户服务部报道,您将在上午9:00开始您的入职程序。
4.Base Salary
但是你要确保落纸面上的工资标准(compensation package)是符合你的期待的。如果和之前说的不一样,可以找招聘经理,看看是不是出了什么错误。如果你觉得工资低于你的预期,你有权议价工资。
此外,你还看看看是不是有涨薪的机制?(Also, you need to undersand is there a lock-step ladder for raises?)
比如开头这份offer letter中工资部分是这样写的:
We are offering you a base salary of $40,000.00 which will be subject to deductions for taxes and other withholdings as required by law or the policies of the company.你的资本工资是40000美元,并将根据法律或公司的政策扣除税款和其他代扣费用。
在美国有一项税叫做 withholding tax: 代扣所得税,指的是企事业雇主代替政府从雇员薪金中扣除的所得税
你至少需要知道百分比,时间(年薪、月薪),标准,是自由决定的(discretionary),还是固定不变的( guaranteed)。
offer letter上需要注明已经说好的福利,比如假期,收益分红(profitsharing),费用报销(expense reimbursement),电话费报销(paid cell phone),公司配车等。
The current, standard company health, life, disability vision, and dental insurance coverage are offered with this agreement per company policy. Your eligibility for other benefits such as tuition reimbursement, and bonus potential will take place per company policy. The company benefit offerings and employee contribution to payment for benefit plans are determined annually.目前,固定的公司医疗和牙科保险根据公司公司协议而定。据此,你有资格获得学费报销,并有一定奖金。 公司福利方案和员工需支付的福利方案金额每年浮动变化。
As an employee of (Company Name), you will receive nine paid holidays, determined annually by the company. You are eligible to accrue vacation time off at x.xx hours per pay period. This is equivalent to two weeks on an annual basis. Vacation time off increases per company policy.All employee benefits are subject to periodic company review and can be changed with or without notice.作为(XXX公司)的员工,你将获得九天带薪假期,具体数额每年由公司确定。此外,每工作一定时间,将获得x.xx小时累积休假时间。这相当于每年可休假两个星期。且公司休假时间将逐年增加。所有员工福利都需要公司定期审核,并会在有或没有通知的情况下更改。
6.Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure clause
不公开和保密协议(confidentiality and non-disclosure clause)是offer letter重要部分。
通常保密协议规定了在任职期间,你必须保密的信息,以及破坏保密协议,可能面临的后果,比如诉讼等等(sensitive information that you learn in your tenure at a company private, or else face consequences such as lawsuits)。
Non-disclosure Agreement: You acknowledge that during your employment with the Employer, confidential information will be disclosed to you and, any unauthorized revelation of such information to any individual or party or for use other than for the Employer’s purposes could cause wide harm to the Employer. The confidential information of the Employer includes any and all trade secrets, private or secret information of the Employer (includes, but does not limit to)你清楚,在合同期内,你会接触到机密信息,任何未经授权向他人或第三方披露机密信息,将对雇主造成严重伤害。机密信息包括但不限于雇主的所有商业秘密,私人或秘密信息。
7.Non-Compete Clause
如果雇员要找新工作,就需要等不竞争条款失效过期,或者搬去其他地方,或者换个行当(have to wait for the agreement to lapse, move to another geographic area, or change industries)。
所以,不竞争条款对雇员职业生涯影响还是挺大的,所以如果offer letter里有这样的条款,你一定要想清楚再签订。
You covenant and agree that, during the term of your employment with the Company and for twelve (12) months after the termination thereof, regardless of the reason for the employment termination, you will not, directly or indirectly, anywhere in the Territory, on behalf of any Competitive Business perform the same or substantially the same Job Duties.你将同意,在雇佣期内,以及终止雇佣合同的12个月内,且无论终止雇佣的原因是什么,你不得直接或间接地在该地区的任何地方, 不得代表任何竞争单位执行相同或实质相同的工作职责。
另外,有些公司还有 Non-Solicit clause(禁止招徕条款)
You also covenant and agree that during the term of your employment with the Company and for twelve (12) months after the termination thereof, regardless of the reason for the employment termination, you will not, directly or indirectly, solicit or attempt to solicit any business from any of the Company’s Customers, Customer Prospects, or Vendors with whom you had Material Contact during the last two (2) years of your employment with the Company.你将同意,在雇佣期内,以及终止雇佣合同的12个月内,且无论终止雇佣的原因是什么,你不得直接或间接,和你在本公司最后两年接触的已有客户,潜在客户,或供应商开展业务往来。
8.At-Will clause
自由雇佣原则意味着雇主在任何时期,可以有理由或者无理由地和员工解除劳务关系,歧视、报复、其他特殊情况除外(barring cases of discrimination, retaliation, and other special circumstances)。
这可能听起来有点令人震惊,但并不意味着公司能够随便裁掉员工(go around firing people on a whim)。
You acknowledge and agree that nothing in this Agreement is a guarantee or assurance of employment for any specific period of time. Rather, you understand that you are an at-will employee and that the Company may terminate your employment at any time for any reason. You are similarly free to resign at any time for any reason.您确认并同意,本协议中的任何内容均不构成任何特定时期的担保。相反,你明白作为一名员工,公司可能因任何原因随时终止和你的合同。你也可以因为任何愿意辞职。
当然啦,有些公司还可能在offer letter上写明Arbitration Clauses,那么这到底是什么呢?
9.Arbitration Clauses
最后一项棘手条款是仲裁条款。条款一般规定雇员和雇主之间若发生任何争议,必须由中立的第三方解决,这项条款可能让你遇到一些法律上头疼的问题。(The final tricky provisions to look out for are arbitration clauses, which state that any disputes that arise between an employee and an employer must be settled by a neutral third party)
雇主肯能偷偷把这条加入offer letter中,而一旦你将来要和雇主法庭相见,可能给你带来很多麻烦事。所以要保护好自己,至少你要知道在offer letter里有这样一条条款。