Amazon’s latest feature in its mobile app, Amazon Spark, is a scrollable and shoppable vertical feed of photos with captions, all uploaded by other users. 亚马逊最新推出的Amazon Spark是一款垂直滚动视图、可购物的手机app,由用户配文字上传图片。
You can leave comments or show your approval by clicking the “smile” button, and you’re able to follow other users. 你可以留言或点击“smile”按钮表示赞同,也可以关注其他用户。
This may sound familiar. Amazon Spark feels quite a lot like the big image-based social networks, Instagram and Pinterest. (Amazon declined to comment on the similarity.) 这听起来很熟悉。Amazon Spark给人的感觉很像图片分享社交网站Instagram和Pinterest。(亚马逊对此未做出评论。)
There are also some significant differences: Most notably, users can link the products in the photos to the actual items for sale on Amazon. 当然有很多显著的不同之处:最明显的一点就是用户可以通过点击图片链接到亚马逊网站上的在售商品。
If you’re scrolling through and spot an image with, say, a sun hat that you happen to like, you can tap it to see if it’s linked to the item’s product page on Amazon.假设你正在随意浏览图片,然后看到了一顶太阳帽的图片,又恰巧看中了,那么你可以点击进去看一看这顶帽子是否链接到亚马逊的商品页面。
If so, you’re able to click through and purchase it within the app.如果能找到,在此应用里直接点击购买即可。
As Amazon keeps growing, it’s clearly looking to be more than just a destination for convenience and price.亚马逊规模越来越大,很显然它不想仅限于为客户提供方便和廉价商品。
Amazon Spark is an experiment in making shopping on Amazon a social experience, too.Amazon Spark是亚马逊想要客户购物成为一种社会体验的一次实验。