英语自学网 发表于 2017-7-21 22:18:08


        Ed Sheeran's disappearance from Twitter was short lived as the singer's account reappeared hours after it was deleted following criticism of his recent Game Of Thrones cameo. 艾德·希兰(黄老板)因近期客串《权力的游戏》遭恶评i而关闭推特,但时间不长,几小时后他又重返推特。
        All of his tweets since April 2015 on the @edsheeran account have been removed and the singer's more than 19 million followers have been reduced to less than 2,000. 黄老板已将自己账号上2015年4月至今的推文全部删除,原本1900万的关注量现在也只剩下不到2000。
        Sheeran had previously limited his activity on Twitter, saying that he could not cope with the online hate directed at him.黄老板之前已经开始减少发推,他说是因为自己没有办法应对那些网络喷子。
        His role in Game Of Thrones involved just two lines - "It's a new one", in reference to a song that Maisie Williams's character Arya Stark heard him singing, and "Worst place in the world", about King's Landing.他在《权力的游戏》中客串的角色只有两句台词——“这是首新歌,”说的是麦茜•威廉姆斯饰演的艾莉亚•史塔克听到他唱的那首歌,还有就是“世界最糟的地方”,指的是君临城。
        But fans of the show had complained about having a celebrity included in a scene. 而权迷们则抱怨剧里出现了明星。
        Much of the criticism was around the fact that there seemed to have been little attempt to disguise his cameo - whilst other artists such as Coldplay drummer Will Champion and Gary Lightbody of Snow Patrol were more difficult to spot in their scenes.引来批评最多的是因为黄老板饰演这个角色并没有化妆去掩饰自己,相比而言,酷玩乐队的鼓手威尔·查平和雪地巡游者的加里·赖特波迪也客串了,他们却不容易被认出来。
        Sheeran's scene also left an opportunity for him to return in the next episode, although he did not appear in the trailer.虽然下集的预告片里没有黄老板,但从这场戏来看下一集还会有他的戏份。
        Co-showrunner David Benioff previously explained: "We knew that Maisie was a big fan of Ed Sheeran, and for years we've been trying to get him on the show so we can surprise Maisie. This year we finally did it."制作人大卫·贝尼奥夫之前解释说:“我们知道麦茜•威廉姆斯非常喜欢艾德•希兰,这么多年来我们都想让他客串一下给麦茜一个惊喜,今年我们终于成功了。”
        It was recently revealed that Sheeran will next make a cameo in The Simpsons, as a character caught up in a love triangle with Lisa Simpson.有消息称,接下来黄老板还会客串《辛普森一家》,他的角色会卷入和丽萨•斯普森的三角恋中。
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查看完整版本: 黄老板客串《权力的游戏》,权迷们不高兴了