As generations evolve, so too do their markers of luxury. 随着代际更迭,奢侈的标志也在变化。
Price points, heritage and access barriers that once defined luxury along a clear spectrum have given way to something more multi-dimensional for Chinese millennial consumers. 价格、品牌历史、入手门槛这些曾经代表奢侈的明确标准,在中国的千禧一代面前,已经让位于一些更多元的东西了。
Whether post-80s, post-90s or even post-95s, this powerful demographic is redefining what affluent consumerism means, and just as they seek more latitude in their personal identities, they are also expanding the definition of new luxury.不管是80后、90后亦或是95后,这个强大的人群正在重新定义“富裕的消费”这个概念,而当他们在为自己的身份寻找更高纬度的同时,他们也在拓展着“奢侈”的定义。
Unlike their western equivalents, however, Chinese millennials have created a value system of human intangibles that speak to their own unique needs and experiences. 与西方的同龄人不同,中国的千禧一代创造了自己的关于无形资产的价值观,这个价值观体现着他们独特的需求与体验。
Mining the value of today深挖今时今日的价值
There’s a growing need for self-actualization among affluent Chinese millennials. 中国千禧一代中那些较为富裕的人,有着越来越强的自我实现的需求。
From travel to apparel and business, realizing one’s potential in the here-and-now is becoming more and more important.不管是旅游、服装还是商业,发掘当下的潜能,变得越来越重要。
Freedom to move between spaces在不同维度间切换的自由
Yes, they embrace the historic social and cultural systems they were raised in, but at the same time, they eagerly move toward a more global vision of the future. 诚然,他们欣然接受自己所生所长的这个历史文化系统,但同时,他们也急切地朝着更全球化的未来在迈进。
These are consumers who both honor their heritage and simultaneously find it important to act as global citizens.这些消费者既尊重自己的文化传统,同时也觉得成为一个世界公民是很重要的事。
Finding a higher value system寻找更高的价值观
Searching for a higher framework – one with perhaps more latitude and room for exploration – is one of the highest life changing elements of value for Chinese millennials. 寻觅更高的格局——更高、更广的探索空间——对中国的千禧一代来说,是那些关乎人生的价值元素中最崇高的。
The luxury of connection情感连接也是一种奢侈品
As fragmented and diverse as Chinese millennials may be, this group shares one thing in common – the perceived luxury of connection.虽然中国的千禧一代非常多样化,但他们有一个共同点——都将情感连接看得很珍贵。