英语自学网 发表于 2017-7-19 21:55:02


        China’s biggest public bike-hire operator, Mobike, picked Manchester for its first venture outside Asia–gifting Mancunians with 1,000 sleek bikes. Just a few weeks after the big launch, the firm says it is already seeing 4,000 journeys a day on the bikes, and the scheme is proving a “phenomenal success”.中国最大的公共租车运营商摩拜单车选择了曼彻斯特作为其亚洲以外的第一个经营项目试点,并在曼彻斯特投放了1000辆时髦的自行车。就在这次大规模市场投放活动的几周后,该公司表示每天骑摩拜单车出行的旅程已达4000人次,这一项目取得了“巨大的成功”。
        Although many Mancunians have taken to social media to praise the bikes, it seems, some in the city are yet to get to grips with the concept of bike sharing, and police have received a flurry of reports of Mobikes being abandoned or damaged – and being thrown in the canal.虽然许多曼彻斯特人都在社交媒体上称赞摩拜单车,然而,这个城市的部分人似乎并不明白单车共享的概念,而且警察收到了一连串有关摩拜单车被丢弃或被破坏,亦或是被扔进运河里的举报。
        “We’ve received around 17 reports in relation to Mobikes since 29 June. This includes reports of abandoned bikes and criminal damage,” said Inspector Phil Spurgeon, from Greater Manchester Police.“从6月29日起,我们收到了17次有关摩拜单车的举报,包括丢弃单车以及刑事破坏的举报,”曼彻斯特警察局督察菲尔·斯珀吉翁说道。
        “We know the majority of people have been using the bikes respectfully and parking them in designated authorized areas. Sadly, a small minority are not doing this.”“我们知道多数人都礼貌地使用单车并把单车停在了指定的区域。遗憾的是,一小部分人并没有这样做。”
        There have been reports of people damaging the bikes or hacking off the wheel locks in an attempt to steal them.据报告,有人破坏了单车,还有人破坏了车锁试图偷车。
        A video has also emerged of youths throwing bricks at a supposedly “vandal proof” bike, which has airless tyres and no chain. They reportedly threatened to throw a man into the canal after he complained.一个视频还曝出,几名少年向一辆有实心车胎、无锁链且据称“防爆的”自行车扔砖块。据报道,一名男子控诉了他们几句后,他们还威胁着要把他扔进运河里。
        Another issue is people failing to leave the bikes in a public place – and parking them up in their own homes and gardens.还有一个问题就是人们没有把单车停到公共场所,而是停在了自己家里或花园里。
        Mobike said there have been a “tiny number” of vandalism incidents in the context of the popularity of the scheme.摩拜单车公司表示,在这一项目备受欢迎的情况下,发生了“几起”单车破坏事件。
        It says it is receiving strong support from the police and local councils and will continue to work to ensure the scheme best serves communities and businesses in the city.该公司还表示,他们已得到了警察局和当地政府的大力支持,将继续努力以确保该项目更好地服务于这个城市的居民和企业。
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