英语自学网 发表于 2017-7-7 18:21:24


  A. The floor is slick.
  B. The staircase is steep.
  C. The passage is narrow.
  D. The tread is unsteady.
  A. It disturbs the local people with noises.
  B. It causes the damage on the pavement.
  C. It stops people and cars moving freely.
  D. It prevents people from walking easily.
  A. It is part of their local heritage.
  B. It is an attraction of tourists.
  C. It is the revival of morals.
  D. It is the miracle of God.
  Pianos are normally found in building for obvious reasons. However, there's one piano in the city in the north of England that has a more unusual home-in the street.
  When Nick and Doug were moving into their new house, they couldn't get their piano up the steps because they were too steep. So they ended up leaving the piano on the pavement and all of a sudden they found that local people started to play it, and it very quickly became known as the street piano.
  At some point, the council threatened to take it away because they said it was an obstruction to the pavement. Then all the local players were up in arms about it and put notes all over the piano saying, "Please save the street piano".
  These are all the messages of support that people have stuck on the piano. One of them says, "Don't get rid of the street piano, it's part of our heritage now. We love you, street piano." And another says, "I find I trip over wheelie bins much more often than pianos. Save the street piano." Some older member of the community says, "I think it's great, I think it's wonderful, as I walk by, young people no more horse around but have a go on it. I think it's a legend in its own lifetime, it's something that is famous and admired during its life."
  Nick and Doug thought that they were going to lose it but it looks like they might be able to save their street piano.
  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  26. Why did Nick and Doug fail to move up the piano to the house?
  27. What was the reason the council gave to take the piano away?
  28. What do the supporters think about the street piano?
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