Becoming a parent is full of contradictions: It’s a time in life when loveand meaning and joy crash headlong into worry and exhaustion, so much so that
some new parents struggle to maintain their own identity. A new study out of the
Netherlands suggests that this is especially true for mothers.
The researchers found a consistent pattern: Women experienced declines in
self-esteem during their pregnancies, and then increases in the six months
afterwards. But then their self-esteem declined once again, and continued
falling. By three years into their child’s life, it was still lower than their
original “baseline.”
Because they didn’t keep collecting data, researchers don’t know if the dip
lasted even longer, but they do know it wasn’t permanent: Women who completed
the survey again for a subsequent child had returned to their baseline by the
time the process began anew.
The researchers noted several possible reasons for a decline in self-esteem
during pregnancy, including physical changes to the body, rampant hormones,
stress over the baby’s development, and concerns about the future.